
This poem is for Nobody.

This poem is for nobody
And everybody in here can relate
This poem is for nobody
This poem’s full of love and hate

This poem is expression without a voice or sound
This poem is full of nothing but words-words spilling from my eyes
How can we bring tears with a pencil?
How can we save lives with a pen?
Because this poem show an image into the eyes of-well the eyes of-nobody

This poem is expressed through a tale of nobody
This poem is for nobody
But from the time I started taking your life has been changed twice

Now here's where this poem changes-

This poem is for nobody
They say that anything can be expressed anyway by anybody
But I’m going to prove them wrong

Voice-I’ve been talking this whole time-what would happen if I couldn’t


Now you’ heard silence but you still could feel this poem-this poem for nobody-you could feel it-beating, yelling, breathing-on the back of your neck-now that’s why this poem is for nobody.

Now look into my eyes-no voice and no sound-you can feel his poem being continued just for you…

But I’ll say this thrice more:

This poem is for nobody
Sorry but we’ve gotten nowhere

Think back through this poem
Have I talked about love or hate?


But you feel it all over your body.

Now here's where this poem speaks-

Love-a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude towards a
Hate-a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of dislike and animosity towards a

As easily as those two words were changed-love can change straight to hate.

Nobody loved anybody as much as anybody could love nobody
But one wrong turn and everybody stopped hating just anybody and hated nobody

"Oh yay," you all say.

Well when nobody is loved by nobody and everybody loves everybody and hates nobody-that’s where things go bad…

Now here's where my nobody's life story begins-

So nobody-because this is a love story-falls in love and is taken for a ride
When nobody is dropped off… Well nobody cried

He looked into the mirror, constantly talking to himself
Thinking, “well the grass is always greener on the other side,”
and, “every cloud has a silver lining,”
and, "what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger "
But at the same time reciting a poem-a poem of love and hate…

A poem for somebody-

"I hate you. 
Damnit, I hate you. 
Every part of you makes me scream. 
I dream of killing you.
Making you pay for every damned thing you've done. 
I laugh when you fail.
As rare as it is.
And in it all, I hate everything you are made of.
Yet I still yearn for your touch.
Still I melt when you briefly catch my eye. 
Just your words make me shiver with delight. 
The sight of you makes me weak. 
My heart pounds when I dare approach you. 
And damnit, I love everything you are made of. 
I fall before you."-Christine Timmons

And finally that nobody looked into the mirror, stopped talking, stopped thinking and just looked…

Back to the eyes…
The only way of expression so true that even through this jumble of nothing, nobody, something, somebody, everything, and everybody-you feel me.

My eyes
Look into my eyes-I have a story
A story of somebody… A guy like me
Can you see it?

Now everyone’s eyes tell a story… Who they are…

*free speech* 

This poem is for nobody
or have I lied?
A lie that has done what?
Benefit me?
No, it has benefited nobody

Now here's another wrench for your gears-

What if that nobody was really somebody, somebody like me?
But no! How can it be for me if it is for nobody

"... And finally that nobody looked into the mirror, stopped talking, stopped thinking, and just looked..."

And that nobody realised…

He had become somebody, “I am everybody!”

Well this poem is done and it’s for everybody.



