Politics: Social Wellfare and Liberation of Nations

It seems to me as though a political leader cannot stand against social wellfare programs, wellfare checks, and at the same time stand behind freeing a country, like Iraq, from a repressive leader.

If one stands that the powerless in their own country do not need support, but rather that they need to take control of their own lives and “make it”, Then one cannot have the stand that a group of powerless in another country need their help either. Their view should be consistent and they should be of the view that the people who live in the repressesd country need to make it on their own too.

But, in doing that it would become too obvious that America has come to stay. If they treat them like their own, they will become their own.

There are a lot of disconnects within politics.

Against abortion? Good, you’re pro-death penalty.
For abortion? Good, you’re anti-death penalty!

Hate taxes? Good, you want a huge and expensive military!
OK with taxes? Good, slash military fundingg!

Want a smaller government? Good, you want to do away with privacy rights!
Want a big government? Good, you want no regulation of your person!

Want to re-define marraige? Good, you also want to repeal smoking bans!
Want to allow gay marraige? Good, you are pro-smoking bans!

Ahhh, yes. Political parties do accurately represent the bichromatic rainbow that is political thought. Like guns? Good, you like Jesus. Hate guns? You must hate Jesus. Pro-stem cell? Good, you’re also for a raise in the minimum wage!