Politics vs Religion

So you are saying that a square will someday not have 4 corners?

Ideals never change. People’s acceptance of them change at times. Equally people sometimes give up their faith in their religion. That doesn’t change the religion.

Both religions-by-name and ideals-by-name sometimes evolve - “that’s not what this word/name means anymore”. US “Democrat” no longer refers to those who believe in democracy. The title or name is now used to represent, in this case, the opposite of what the people involved actually stand for (centralized oligarchy ). They just play name games to confuse the population and further manipulate from behind a curtain. The ideal of democracy never changed, hasn’t changed for thousands of years and never will. At worst, only the name will change. Someday it might even change back to meaning distributed authority (“by the people”) as it once did.

The same applies to religions. What Catholics stood for 2000 years ago is at least a little different now. The Pope has publicly stated the age of forgiveness is over. That is an extremely serious change in ideology (whether good or bad). Religions change their ideological stance but the ideology that is no longer accepted never changed. The religion’s practice changed, perhaps to include female priests for example, but kept the same name.

How is that any different between religion and politics?

Here’s one I said earlier, but will also work here… ; )

  • Religion/Conduct… thought over fought, so when man stopped being beast and evolved into homosapien.
  • Politics/Parliament… fought over thought, when a disagreement turns into tribal warfare, and becomes an Us v Them situation… as seen throughout history.

So religion… stemming from local conduct practices, and politics… stemming from in-tribe disagreement. Religions were/are formed from local requirements of that People, and politics… the vehicle to deliver those requirements through via laws and legislations.

Are both fit for purpose though, in their current forms?

How are you distinguishing “conduct practices” from policy making - “politics”?

It sounds like you are suggesting that Islamic jihadists are just politicians and Parliament members are religious advocates with supreme court justices as their priests.

Although I can see how by watching American Congressional telecasts, someone could get that impression. You aren’t American are you?

Belief in God (Religion) is mostly about Ancestor-worshipping, or “death-worshipping as some say”. In a way, Catholics in 2020AD are still under the ideological leadership of Julius Caesar, if you want an analogy. Being dead doesn’t matter. It’s about following the will of our ancient ancestors. It’s also about comparing those of today, with those of yesterday, using a “higher” standard.

Politics then is actual, living leaders, today. Politics is about the best men alive right now. Statehood is about practical, pragmatic moral, social, and ethical decisions, all of which apply to Modern times. Politics is the embodiment of religions, the “here-and-now”. Religion is everything-before.

Conduct… abiding by local customs and practices i.e. a ‘when in Rome’ situation / Politics… written legislation, that if not followed, leads to fines, imprisonment, etc…

I am not, and I don’t watch such telecasts… I find EU and British politics much more entertaining :stuck_out_tongue: though I do keep an eye on US political developments, and really enjoy playing Truth Or Lie, over what is being aired on US news.

I also agree with Urwrong’s below rendition… religion originally stemming from ancestor worship, and politics being the embodiment of religion’s influence past, but on the present.

Politics is the State today.
Religion is the State yesterday.
Science Fiction is the State tomorrow.

That seems to be the essential truth of it.

So what does it mean to separate church from state - merely old from new?

“In the USA you are allowed to believe any old thing you want but you are not allowed to make or enforce any laws based on it. The state can only dictate based on new ideologies.”

An interesting thought by itself.

Yeah, I think so. Religions seem focused on maintaining a political power that they had won years, decades, centuries, or even millenniums ago (like Catholicism).

…and other factions don’t? lol… stop begging other people’s power and find your own.

So imagine many years from now when our current ideologies are the Old - Democracy, Socialism, Communism, and so on. Politics will be restricted to only some New, not yet discovered ideology?

And that brings me back into my obsession about James.

James seemed to have not only predicted what we are currently politically and medically facing, but also that a new ideology/religion is to spring up. That alone is impressive but not as concerning as the fact that he actually went so far as to lay out what it is going to be.

More than a decade ago, James answered a question about global domination with, “something is going to happen that no one expected”. I doubt anyone paid attention to that but now I’m thinking that he was talking about Mr Trump and the global restoration of relatively independent nations (which he referenced on this board). He warned in a response years ago, “Be careful. It only takes one of my kind”. And indeed both James and Mr Trump are analytical reductionist problem solvers - reducing everything down to the simple basic requirements for solving the problem - and not being shy about saying it and pursuing it despite being hated by just about everyone (such people stand out anywhere they go. I should know, having to observe and categorize the more typical internet mouth-breathers for years).

Much later during Mr Trump’s campaign, he said that even though Mr Trump would win, they wouldn’t give it to him - and they have certainly tried not to - and are still trying not to claiming that he isn’t the “real President” while defying him at every turn.

He spoke of intelligence matters, obfuscation techniques, and the way the Hebrews and Chinese think (Torah, I Ching, and Taoism - “Obfuscation and Extortion” - exactly exactly exactly what has been going on internationally for years by the CCP) and warned of the medical world being the enemy - COVID?

Who in the hell was this guy? And how could he know this shit? He was asked that by several people but never really gave an answer. Interestingly he gained most of his reputation points (where they do that) by the Jewish members (On the Catholic Apologist board actually accused of being “a Jew” to which he responded, “I am NotA - None of the Above”).

And going beyond Jesus, Revelations, and Nostradamus, he explained what Heaven actually is like (something they had refused to do) - “a harmonious dance, a waltz”. And note that “peace in the Middle East” is not about everyone standing around idly grinning at their navel but rather actively trading and conversing in harmony - “not stagnate, boring peace” as he put it - “Momentus harmony within and harmony without”.

He stated that a new religion (political ideology) would arise to take the place of the major religions of today. He did that on this board. And he didn’t just stop there (anyone could have thrown that out there). Although he expressed doubt that anything human or even organic life would continue to exist, he actually spelled out a specific governing form that will take place by the remaining machines if not by people - his SAM co-op and what it grows into - the newer-new religion/ideology/politics of tomorrow’s tomorrow?

James seemed to have an answer to every philosophical and science mystery. The only thing that I can find missing besides any political discussion (a serious disappointment to me personally other than to reveal about 10 years ago that Mr Obama was treasonous which is now turning out to be true too - who was he to be able to know that back then?) are the exact dates but that seems to be the way for such people.

I’m still trying to put it all together - questions questions, questions.


You Yanks and your politics is something else… and your ignorance of others, even more-so.

Referring to?

As if I don’t have my own?

James’ absence is definitely noticeable. I can’t say I’ve followed him as closely as you and others. Although I agreed with many of his religious and political insights.

As for what comes next, I do predict the rise and spread of some ‘new’ religious creed, maybe Neo-Christianity, or something else. Because when people become desperate, they historically turn to religion/Faith.

All subsequent posts to mine, have been noted…