I’m interested in whether philosopher are more likely one or another…this won’t tell that exactly… but at least it will give us an idea of the current ILP political stand point average…
Iguess you can make post to claim which you are if you want…my be better to not let everyone know…
Thank you for allowing me to vote for more than one option. I believe this is the one single thing that america can change which will allow REAL change.
Just vote for more than one option. Then independents can be more than sabotage.
Without the ability to vote for more than one candidate:
A vote for a third party in america is nothing more than a vote to destroy the one party out of the two (rVd) which you actually would support.
If you vote for a third party in America today, I would disagree with you and tell you that you need to vote into the system, you need to do what they say.
I agree with you actually it is relatively silly to vote for another party, unless both parties are being run by Hitler…generally I find it important to look at both and just reason which is going to lead the country better the dem of the year or the Rep of the year…
If it is silly to vote that would only be due to the fact that the majority of voters are diluting your vote, which would suggest the importance of asserting ideas so as to spread reason that would allow majority alignment with you thought proceess so long of course that it was good. And thus by use of logic but agreement on that logic, rather than use of scar-tactics, fluff, logically fallacies…etc to allow manipulation of the mass. part of the fix for such relies on education which is as much a repsonsibility of any group as the whole or any indiviudal. I don’t see why people should complain about the in ability for the count of vote when really all it says is that just checking a box isn’t how simple it really is…when I doubt that has always been the case, but for a little while for which we found comfort and now give up more easily when not having…
I imagine there might be a point for not relying on voting any more, but I still see it having some reliance.
All my life I’ve voted Dem because they are the “lesser of two evils” but lately I’ve embraced an accelerationist view so I may have to stop doing that.
Give people more of what they think that want until the inevitable crisis point is reached and catastrophe occurs. Hopefully, that will make the recognize point #1.
The problem with accelerationism is that the revolutionary society produced is often highly problematic. For example, the Great Depression gave rise to Fascism in Italy and Germany. Though, I would point out that high functioning liberal societies (Berlusconi notwithstanding) did emerge from those two countries after their defeat.
I think there is enough attraction in accelerationism to make one not want to vote or to vote for a candidate/party that is incredibly likely not to win - but that I like better than the big two - since this will likely have the primary side effect (Oxymoron) of accelerating things, while at the same time is is idealistic/honest and potentially causing positive ripples beyond that particular election.