Population control, a sad but undeniable truth

Population control, a sad but undeniable truth that we all must accept someday.

Since the US is said to be about 75% Christian and was founded on maximum freedom for its people, I doubt whether the US will ever come up with a population control plan. It would be too controversial and it goes against promoting life and personal freedoms.

And while I cannot deny the wisdom of promoting life and freedom, sometime we must accept the lesser of two evils if promoting life turns into being more destructive to life than not promoting it.

It then becomes a decision whether to choose between the ‘greater good for the whole’ or the ‘greater personal right for the individual’… and the whole be damned. (Whole meaning entire human population of our planet.)

For instance, on a farm if the plants are planted packed like sardines (or ‘packed like sushi’ as they say in Japan) the plants do not flourish.

In nature, trees that are overcrowded weed themselves out by nature’s decree. But if man forced the trees to not weed out and forces crowding, they would not flourish at best and at worst all the trees may die from disease due to a forced and unsustainable growth plan.

So it goes with how our planet is evolving…a sad but exactly true statement.


Now, I a not a tree hugger, green peace freak or communist. I drive dirt bikes, love 2 stroke 500cc thumpers, run jet skis and snowmobiles and consume along with the best of em. But I do respect and admire nature and most of all I respect and admire life.

So to do my own part I have given up a lot of personal desires for the greater good of the whole.

You see, the problem is not with the earth having enough land for all its people - the problem is with earth providing ad infinitum for all the needs the people crave.

The more people born, the more heat is produced from their life and all their cravings, As such, the warmer and more polluted the earth gets and the more energy they all use and resources they deplete.

China and India are just starting to bloom with their demands for fossil fuels We haven’t seen anything yet with the meteoric rise of gas and energy.

In China the per capita car ownership rate is 40 car owners per 1000 persons. In India it is much lower, running 8 cars per 1000 people. As these two giants evolve more of their population will want cars…in India, they are making a $2500 car as well.

greencarcongress.com/2006/05 … car_o.html


But what can one say about the problem unless people just cut back reproducing. Everyone has a desire to have some sex stimulation and through that stimulation comes more and more people.

And everyone has a desire to keep warm when it is cold or to keep cool in the heat or move about the earth and wear clothes. And it is from all those desires that global warming fueled through the expenditure of fossil fuels takes place.

$10 a gallon gas in the future? No doubt! All we have to do is look to history for the answer.

When I first took notice of gas prices in the early 70’s gas was .22 cents a gallon.

No one would have thought that gas would take a 1360% rise in price in 3 1/2 decades.

In addition to cars and gasoline, tons of other products and industries are dependent on crude oil as a component for their products.


I can see how life has degenerated in recent years and this is just the tip of the berg for things to come. I am not an alarmist as one lady accused me, but I would do humanity a disservice if I did not bring this topic up now an again for discussion.

See my post

“Your sanity is my sanity and my sanity is your sanity.”

jesusneverexisted.org/jne/forum/ … opic=628.0

When you bring up population control the talk naturally turns to China and India.

findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m … i_71563390

And population control alone is a controversial subject to discuss

…“when you get beyond the mythology and seriously examine the one-child policy, it is clear the policy is not viable even if one can stomach the horrendous human rights violations it entails.”


overpopulation.com/faq/count … ld-policy/

But in reality, there is no such thing as ‘opinionated’ - ‘provocative’ ‘controversial’ subjects.

These are only subjective and prejudicial states of mind. And such problems may bother one but do not another. As such, all problems related to ‘controversial subjects’ such as this are problems created in the mind…the mind of man.

Those that can’t argue facts argue personalities. and we can see this come to fruition with the replies that offer no alternative solutions, other than to attack the author of the post. If one sticks to: true, false or don’t know in one’s replies they can avoid this trap by arguing facts and not personalities.

Psychologist William James once said, “A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.”

I say all this in the hope of cutting through your personal prejudice and discussing this topic on the basis of truth and not on ego.

My own opinion is this. Since the US enjoys so much freedom, I doubt whether anything will ever be done with this topic and we will just keep growing with our population and our insatiable demands.

nationmaster.com/graph/ene_o … onsumption

And my feelings are if anyone is against population control and has no other viable alternative to offer, when they are asked their opinion as to what can be done to *fix global warming, over consumption, the gradual destruction of the human race that hell bent on growing at an unsustainable pace…they should respond…I just don’t care…that is someone else’s problem not mine.

*BTW: it seems global warming can’t be fixed … it can only be slowed down…too many people on earth to fix it…to many demands to many cravings.

What are your thoughts on population control and the unsustainable pace in which we live?

Take care,

V (Male)

Agnostic Freethinker
Practical Philosopher

As I said in my own thread on the matter, Homo sapiens is breeding himself into deep shit. All people like you and me can do is watch, being thankful that we’ll be dead before the major bullshit starts.