As what some websites and friends label me, I am a porn addict, now pledging to a state of abstinence…until I sort this out. I stumbled across this article from Guardian Unlimited, “Men and Porn,” which somewhat effectively denounces support for the existence of pornography. … 16,00.html
(please read it! it put a stutter to my ‘addiction’)
This discussion is not on the issue of legality, spouses, commitments, censorship, sexism, freedom or porn addictions, but on the basic idea: Porn - good or bad? Harmful or harmless?
Disregard for the moment the porn industry and just debate on the definition of what porn is: a visual representation of sexually arousing material.
Here are some highlights from the article that should guide this discussion:
Here’s a big one:
So, is porn bad? Sexuality and sexual desire is inherent of human nature, and so is masturbation. But must one use or need porn to satisfy this (assuming there’s no hot spouse around)?
Is there any difference between the visual representation and a desire/fantasy that may already be conjured in one’s mind? That is, if a sexual image has already been conceived in one’s mind, what’s the difference of having it in a tangible form? Or if a person were to masturbate to a hot news anchor, is that harmful?
Is pornography more similar to the concept of a cigarette, in that it leads you on towards a definitive and harmful direction, as opposed to just viewing it and being able to turn it off?
Please take the time to respond…I feel this is a very serious topic, that will probably end up spreading to issues of society and gender issues (but try to stay out of that for now…keep with the basics). No citing from overt religious(usually those christian ones) websites.