That’s a pretty explosive article
Ahhh those evil Iraqi’s, they deserve what they got! I mean they used those two weapons of mass destruction on those civilian towns and killed thousands of innocent men women and children… uh wait nevermind that was the US. But! Their whole nation is founded on genocide and the mass murder of an entire nation, they slaughtered all those people, calling them “savages” and treating them like animals… uhhh wait nevermind that was the US. But they have weapons of mass destruction, they have an island of the pacific coast which houses all sorts of Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear weapons, they are the worlds leading producer of WMD… uh wait again, thats the US.
nevermind, damn the Iraqis for hoarding all the sand!
Question following this war are some of the hottest topic around the world today. Questions like, “Have you actually found any evidence?” have been in the media for months now, however, no answers have been given. America still claims they are there, yet can show no evidence of this. Sure things may be confidential, but I see no reason to hide this information now, after the war is ended, and the evil dictator’s reign has been ended (or simply replaced by another…).
I would like to hope that these post war questions will be answered, and that if no evidence is found to support America’s claims of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that action will be taken. However, sadly, I fear none of this will happen. The whole issue will be swept under the rug like so many others in the past. This is the sad truth as I see it.
As angry as I am with Bush I am even angrier with my own Prime Minister. John Howard. He followed Bush blindly, like a little puppy dog, using fraudulent “intelligence reports” and nonexistant evidence as fact and truth, and relaying these lies to the people of Australia. This has been exposed by countless people, most of whom were part of the intelligence gathering operation, and who say there was never any evidence given to them by America, nor eny other country, that could in any way support a military operation of this calaber.
So, we have been lied to. By the people who are supposed to be representing us. I personally feel very betrayed. I have lost almost all faith I once had for my government, as well as governments around the world. Unfortunately, nothing will be done about this. No questions will be answered and no leaders held responsible.
On a side note. Apparently America is now charging our (Australia’s) military for the use of their missiles while flying missions.
I makes me sad and angry to know that everything you’ve said is correct.
while we keep questioning the mere existance of such wmd’s should we not also question Iraq’s former ability, or more to the point, inability, to use these wmd’s should they have existed.
This was a “very real and immediate threat” and yet the wmds cant even be found. With un weapon inspectors scouring the country it was impossible for saddam to bring the weapons out in order to use them. Why therefore was there an immediate threat?
Because the US’s oil supply was running low. Hehe, the real WMD was Saddam withhold oil, as this would have crippled the American economy.
The Bush-Test for liberation:
It’s great to see you back on the site Polemarchus.
Thanks Jonathan!
It was a message from Magius that “wakened me from my dogmatic slumbers.”
BTW, you and Skeptic have been doing some super work here. Keep up the good work!
Pax Vitae stated:
My sentiments exactly. I know for myself, that reading (often more than once) Polemarchus’ posts has always been thought provoking and intriguing - his posts have stayed with me long after I turn the computer off. I also share sentiments with Polemarchus as well, in reference to Pax Vitae’s and Skeptic’s effort and quality of work. I also wish to thank all the Moderators and Administrators for their hard work and continued devotion. As with most message boards, there is a lot of behind-the-scenes work that we never find out about. I want to thank Ben for his hard work and for being the creator and sustainer of the site. To borrown from Paul Edwards, there are two causes for everything. One is in fieri which is the cause that brought a thing about, and in esse which is the cause that sustains a thing. I know one person, Pangloss, who deserves hearty approbation and praise for taking care of the site by himself for a while (the duration of which I am not certain).
I am confident that none of the time spent hear by any kind of member is wasted. The quality of discussion and treatment between the posters, moderators, and administrators consists in, in my opinion, a high level of etiquette, respect, and appreciation.
God, writing this post makes me feel like I’m at a rewards ceremony or something. Seriously. Anyway, I think the above mentioned people deserve appreciation.
What’s your take?
Thanks for the kind words guys, and I know I, as well, am very glad to see Polemarchus back, with his eloquent wording, insightful anecdotes, and excellent literary knowledge. If I didn’t know any better, my first assumption would be that I was consulting with a best-selling author in disguise. While we are giving praise to the hard working fellows at ILP, I would just like to make sure you guys remember Hiren (HVD) who has nearly handled all of the behind the scenes upkeeping while Ben has been in Israel. So a round of applause to HVD for that.
Other than that, I think you are all in for a pleasant surprise with the coming of the second edition ILP. Pax has been working hard over the last couple of weeks on the new design and although it is just short of complete, I must say it is a wonderful step up. It should be ready in the next couple of weeks, so anticipate some new and interesting surprises.
Well, enough said on that subject. Let’s return to the Bush bashing!
— Although i do not know any of the people that Magius mentioned i would like to say THANK YOU for providing this site and maintaining it to all the people who do so.
— I’m glad to see Polemarchus is back too, everybody here has given me some thought provoking moments. I think i’m going to cry…
— It’s really quite amusing. Bush is pointing the finger at the CIA. If Saddam had had “weapons of mass destruction” (like the two we dropped on Hiroshima) A.) We helped him get them B.) he probably would have already used them C.) somebody would have found them.
— There was a 14000 page document before the UN which had to have almost half of it censored by the US because it implicated the US in arms deals. According to some sources we actually had the Bath party assassinate communists in the 60’s.
— All of this will go down Orwell’s memory hole, in a few weeks the mass of stupid television viewers will be leading lives of quiet desperation watching whatever the corporate sponsored media giants have proclaimed to be the news de riguer. It’s enough to make you want to move to France, and if i hear one more stupid joke about freedom fries…
---- President Bush should be tried as a war criminal.
Truth is a rubber band, capable of being stretched in various directions and made to resemble many different things.
— Especially when you have the largest and most efficient propaganda machine ever devised by man.
I don’t think anyone cares much about the truth any more. The constant reports on Iraq have certainly desensitised me, I’m now bored stiff of it. I imagine most of the public are too; they’ll just switch off when it’s mentioned, they will find the whole thing too boring and stop following it, and Blair and Bush will have got away with it.
— From what i understand, both leaders went against the popular opinion of their countries in going to war…
Certainly in Britain, even polls by right-wing newspapers acknowledged it. However, as soon as the war actually began the anti-war movement fell back, and I think that nearly 50% still think it was right to go to war… the lack of resolve in this country is disgusting.
— Too many reeds, not enough oaks, perhaps (was it Mencius or Confucious (i think Mencius)) who said something like the leader is like wind upon the grass. People definitely lack resolve, and the TV bolsters that.
Not blair, but bush yea. War coverage that interests train spotters and stupid facts that are irellevant, like showing prisoners (how stupid is that? its like " look were kicking arse " WHO CARES i hope you get shot prisoner guide, thinking your high and mighty). All i wonted to see was blood and guts(which they did in Islam), but well i’ll see that in the film.
Sometimes i really do wonder way i care about anything. It makes me wont to get out the cookbook and blow something up.
— Lots of Reality TV UNLESS it comes to war, America, Land of the inculcated, home of the brain-washed.
The one question i think needs addressed; what are the military going to do now evidence that there are weapons or were going to be weapons–is missing? Will they stay, fuel anger and slowly lose lifes or go? If they go they lose face but they’ve did it in Afganistan without anyone noticing and just gave rule back to the warlords. Saddam has been given to much credit, as his son was thought to be the new power in Iraq. But since 1991 Iraq was never likely to be a force again, so what excuse can the US give for not leaving the oil fields. People in America must start to think “hey what are we doing in iraq”: these are the views i can think of now
- Hey were fighting for democracy
- We need oil
- Saddams a naughty boy
- Kill em all
As of now i see that 2. we need oil 4. kill em all.
Now staying for oil, is going to be a bad idea (not in the vietnam bad idea sense) but it could start slowly getting worse, perhaps with a increasing amount of causualitys and the government couldnt go and say that there for oil anyways. At first causualitys will only make America mad and more determined to kill “terrorists”, but knowing how much oil is needed, would they still stay and how would people back home take a ever increasing amount of body bags? Do you think a government of today could openly come out and say were there for the oil; now try’en stop us? Because people are easily fooled and think good causes are behind governments, but the only way the US could stay in Iraq is if it had a good excuse(via oil).