Power is the only importance.

Power. The power to change. The power to do. The power to create. The power to conceive. The power to kill.

Are these the only things of importance for us? – not what will happen, but what you will or will not do?

This seems to be the only case for humanity, as we stand now. If you are weak, then you shall have no voice. If you are strong, then your voice shall be spoken and magnified by its power. And what is this power? – to speak? – to will? It is only yours, your power. Because science will determine that the “known”-universe is entirely contingent upon the thoughts of an individual’s mind, then, where can the human animal progress except inside the thoughts of a Man? When reality becomes a thing of your will, your creation, then what is ‘true’ or ‘false’ except what you make of such trivial concepts? What would you determine to be “true or false” if you had the power to do so? The concept of truth is not ‘power’. Power is not a ‘why’ or a ‘how’.

Without power, there can be no will. There can be no creation. There is only nothing.

This is about Reason – and whether you are capable of it or not…

So reason would be the act of applying the potential of your power to your creativity?

It could be. That might be a good way to look at things.

I’m of the opinion that the Will to Power is a corruption of the Will to Know, both being united in the concept of ‘dominion’ of that which is outside of one’s ‘knowing self’, as well as the desire to impose one’s ‘known self’ onto the rest of the world.

I agree entirely!

I would never choose Power over Knowledge, because knowledge precedes power anyway. “Knowledge is Power”. The problem is “imposing one’s ‘known self’ onto the rest of the world”. How can a person get around this? If you have knowledge, then how can you contain it and not use it? How can you escape yourself when locked inside?

Power is also the result of Knowledge, which is not why they are the same thing, although they can appear that way. Yes, knowledge is power, but that doesn’t really say anything about either concept…

Then again, how practical is it to pursue Knowledge over Power, when Knowledge never changes anything without Power?

Knowledge is useless if it exceeds your power?

Knowledge is always useful. It is power that is not always useful – when you do not seek to change anything.

For example, a fisher may ask you to sit down with him and he shall teach you to fish. You may never actually fish. You may never turn that knowledge into power, but you still retain it in case you go hungry and need to fish. Is this not True Power?

This is not really what I was thinking of. I’m thinking more of the tendency of people to try and impose their own ego onto the rest of the world. I am of the metaphysical opinion that the pure opposites are the Knower and the Known: Therefore the two pure opposing wills are the will to know and the will to be known, but these two wills become corrupted when manifest through the persona of the individual.
As for knowledge and power: Force is power, knowledge is not force but stimulus. I act according to what I know, my action is not directly that which I know. I wouldn’t say so much that knowledge precedes power, rather it guides power.

Knowledge is (a) Power.

This should not read, Power is a Knowledge, or Knowledge is a greater force than Power.

There are many other forms of Power, Knowledge is but one.

Power allows for self to Will to Know; it is not inherently corrupted, nor is it first Will to Know that produces Will to Power; often it is the the Will to Power (desire to gain) that causes the Will to Know.

Even in an infant this can be seen. They will to move more freely, and in so doing they will to learn how.

I don’t really understand "outside of one’s ‘knowing self’ "
What is the noun, “knowing self”?

Assuming you simply mean imposing a will upon the world.

I’m just not sure I buy the idea of desiring to impose as a natural state of power in the will of man.

Desire to Impose is a natural state of controlling will beyond a man.
If I impose upon you, then I am attempting to force will upon you; that is not the same as containing the Will for Power, though the Will of Power holds in it the Power of Imposing Will outwardly.

This is the Common Man, correct?

I agree with this.

I see it as the individual (a particular man) versus institutionalized society (the feminized).

It must precede power, because without Knowledge, there is no “I” to begin with.

There is no self-conscious or anything. – nothing at all.

What about the power of love and equality? What about the power of hope and change?

What is one context where Power is not contingent on Knowledge?

But all men do impose their wills through their egos, even when they are not aware of it. If a man acts in any way then he is imposing his will by definition.

If you impose, then you impose. If you resist imposing, then what are you doing? – nothing? – not even talking?

That’s one of the many problems. If you contain your willpower entirely, then you do nothing at all. You die.

Those are for when women and children overpower you.

Like when you grow up and get married and have kids and become a man and all that shit?

I don’t know.

I get the sneaking feeling that those things are only what I say they are…

(I can’t get a straight answer from anybody else.)

Perhaps we aren’t seeing this under the same light.

Are you talking about relative Knowledge or Knowledge of anything?

I always took Knowledge is Power to mean, Brains over Brawn, or Tactics over Force.

I’m starting to wonder if you see it as, “all forms of power require some form of learning to use, therefore all forms of power are knowledge.”

Again…I think we’re using different meanings.

You mean something along the lines of “making an impression of authority or command”, and I mean “to obtrude upon another”.

Both are meanings of impose.

I think we are ultimately having two different conversations using the same words.

It’s a reoccurring occurrence! I think we are.

I will respond again when I have ‘time’.

You really gotta work on all the random quotation marks and parantheses. It makes you difficult to understand.

I agree for the most part (except for creation, is this religion?), but I thought of it this way… All that matters is freedom… If true freedom is obtained, there is no need for power. Is true freedom true power?