practicing religion, not philosophy

Why do we have to feel sorry for religion, when religion bans everything else? Muslimism is almost as nun as nunnery.

If I am President and ban nuns, how is that a bad thing? If I ban the banning, how is that bad?

Noone said anything about banning atheist arabs. Atheist arabs shall be permitted into this great nation by royal decree.

I get it: Trump wins on a technicality.

And for the next four years [at least] we will be entering your own rendition of Bill O’Reilly’s “no spin zone”: you see what you already know.


If only in your head.

Just as the apologists for Barack Obama did for 8 years. Change we can believe in? And, sure, any number of knee-jerk liberals actually believed that’s what we got.

On the other hand, with respect to crony capitalism at home and the military industrial complex aboard – the war economy – not much really changed at all, did it?

Which just brings me back to this:

[b]Yes, Trump triumphed. And he is now eyeball to eyeball with the reality of actually being the president.

So, sure, gloat to your hearts content, Mr. Objectivist.

But don’t forget that you may well be setting yourself up for some rather significant embarrassment down the road.

In other words, if Trump’s foreign policy is a disaster, or the economy goes into a tailspin, or he fails to come through on his campaign promises, or [like Obama] he fails to drain the swamp and to bring us “change we can believe in”, then you’ll have a lot of explaining to do.

I recommend that you begin to practice coming up with excuses as to why, even though the Republicans will soon own and operate Wall Street, K Street, the White House and the Congress, it is really still the Democrats/Liberals who are to blame for any and all the fuckups.
Now, admittedly, I might be the one eating crow down the road. We can only wait and see what he actually accomplishes.

Assuming, of course, we can all agree on what that means. :wink:

This is what happens when you decide all the things you don’t like about Trump a year in advance of him actually doing anything. His critics can’t actually change their mind about anything, so every action he takes has to be interpreted as either racist or sexist. They used to be able to criticize him by saying “Lol he’s obviously not going to actually do anything he’s promised”, but that’s kinda collapsed.

Yeah, technically the people who called this a Muslim ban are full of shit. But since they’re the ones who brought it up, and since they knew it was full of shit WHEN they brought it up, it’s a bit more than a technicality.

The rest of your post; a bunch of ‘both sides are equally guilty’ horseshit that doesn’t address the matter. The DNC made shit up, PK (and Salon, since you brought it up) are pushing a lie, and that’s that. If you’ve got some specific example of the other side doing the same thing you’d like to discuss, maybe start a thread about it!

Oh, and I’m sure that throughout any and all liberal administrations you were more than willing to apply the same standards to them.

Really, I have no illusions about putting any new cracks [or dents] in your objectivist juggernaut.

Unless, of course, I’m wrong.

So, again, I do challenge you to note a value judgment of your own and then together we can explore the extent to which the liberals or the conservatives come closest to encompassing the optimal [or the only] rational/virtuous moral/political narrative/agenda.

I’ll start the thead. You pick the value judgment. No huffing and puffing. No personal attacks. Just a straight up exchange of ideas.

I’ve more or less been after you now for months to do this.

Any more insults and sniping will be met with warnings, regardless of the source or who started it. Take it to Rant.

lol nevermind


PK has his alternate universe. Uccisore has his alternate universe.

And here we are … Peeping Toms … looking in. lol

Please don’t call it philosophy.

Nevermind. :frowning:

It’s like the only 2 channels they have are msnbc and fox.

Actually, I don’t watch the news
on tv. I have the TV to watch
sports, and that is pretty much what
I watch of live TV.


What the fuck do you think this thread is for?

This sort of discourse is not welcome on this board. Warning issued.

Phyllo isn’t really human. So it’s sort of ok.