pratical Ethics?

I just recently finished Peter Singers Pratical Ethics and I am wondering what those of you that have read it thought

i have read it and thought it was wonderful! also “causing death, saving life” is a recomended read by Singer. He may be considered an immoral arse by some but i don’t think it can be really denied that he is the best bio-ethicist alive today maybe even ever. My girlfriend hates that i like Singer as she is even against abortion never mind the infanticide that he advoactes in some cases. but anyway il stop praising him now and just say “yes it was an enthralling read but he needs to improve his writing technique”

Excellent book! He puts forward some very persuasive arguments. Well I found them persuasive anyway.

I disagree with animal cruelty, but I’m probably not going to stop eating meat. I am pretty lazy and it looks like that becoming a vegetarian, or even just having a balanced diet will take a lot of effort. Though I have changed to free-range eggs.