Pre-emptive strike

Pre-emptive approach

A accidentally hits B, knowing B will retaliate. A pre-emptively hit B again.

What about it? Is this single line supposed to stimulate discussion?

Im…so…lost. Maybe it’s me? :astonished:

Surely this is one of those time’s where elaboration is needed.

that’s my understanding of pre-emptive strike against another state.

The Tiger attacks
Destroy, kill and consume prey
Not for protection


By this Logic, we would be at war with China after we accidentally bombed their embassy in Belgrade

"Pre-emptive approach

A accidentally hits B, knowing B will retaliate. A pre-emptively hit B again."

Actually I would say:
A hits B because A perceives that B will inevitably attack A
A therefore attacks B while A still has the leisure of attacking B unattacked.

But, what are you driving at here, just the definition of preemption? or do you want to debate if/when it’s justified to preempt, or if preemption is ethical?

No, this is just one of his many pointless threads.