Predator on aisle nine

I like the way the wheels on my cart are squeaking. I am such an attention whore. Hm hm hm hm hm hm didgeridoo.

I caught you staring at my breasts. You know, don’t you? That’s right, look away and regroup. You’re covered in acne, mostly of the cystic variety. I smile to myself as I imagine a volcanic eruption of infectious pus running down your cheeks, your chin.

Uh oh. You think I’m smiling at you. Oh, what the hell? I’ve never been with a redhead. I hold your gaze and shift nervously. You like that. I’m adorable, yes? I would bet you’re blushing under your inflammatory pustules, but I can’t be certain. I tuck my hair behind my ear and motion towards your shirt. The Misfits.

“I like that band, too”, I say.

“Yeah? They’re pretty cool.”

I look to the floor and notice your shoes. Hideously green. You could be my little leprechaun. I think about asking you. I wonder what you would say.

I shift again. Here goes nothing. “Look, I never do this, but would you like to meet me for drinks later tonight?”

“Are you serious?”

Am I? I shouldn’t be. I’ll break your heart, my little leprechaun. But you’re gonna get lucky tonight.

“Of course I’m serious. Silly.”


Hehe, good. Original too.

I’ve been reading about the “Reptilian Agenda” recently, and when I saw this bit, it made me wonder if it was talking about human-to-reptile shape-shifting. :laughing:


If you want to have fun with reptillians I can show you how :slight_smile:



That wasn’t really a joke…


Then can you show me, too?

Hm, this is really good. Original; never seen writing like this! Very nice!

Get some orgonite missy :wink:

Orgonite gotten, from respectable vendor. Now what? Are we making some kind of orgone generator? Hm?

I read this, and it instantly remained me of a friend of mine - who’s self-absorbed and conceited - insecure, damaged, needy - emotionally manipulative - gorgeous with a contagious smile which is always lined with tragedy. A spectacular human train reck…incredibly fucked up - She even writes like that…

I think this is quite an accurate rendering of how some people actually are. Accounts such as these, are what still, I think, makes literature a very powerful medium.

And… guess what, she even used silly when flirting with me! Ah yes, and another little devil in prada worked in sweetie so suavely that I nearly fawned. Thankfully, I have read quite a bit of Dumas which has raised my guard of these female “godesses” to, hopefully, a healthy degree.

Thanks for sharing this one. (And thanks for the comment on my piece – duly appreciated.)

Orgonite is an orgone generator inherently.

Now you go down to Wal-Mart with it.

You live near a big US city? Hollywood would be ideal… you go there you’ll definitely see some antics.