Bush now has the single lowest public approval ratings for a president since the second world war.
Only 24% approve of W. Lower then Nixon, lower then Truman, lower than Carter.
If the economy tanks some more, I predict that the number around mid-December
or early Jan. will be around 20%. It won’t drop any further because 20% of the country
believe W. can walk on water and change water into wine.
The next thing is nothing, and I mean nothing will happen in Washington
until Jan 20, Obama inauguration day.
The next thing that will happen maybe two or three day into the Obama Administration
is GOP obstructionism. Almost immediately they will begin dragging their feet and then
claim Obama can’t govern because he can’t get anything done. Republicans can’t
govern to save their lives but they can play defense and slow t h i n gs d o w n
because that is what they do best. Nothing positive, just negative.
By june, Sarah Palin will be the de facto leader of the GOP party because
the party will turn sharply right. This will fracture and break the GOP party
and by the end of next year, there will be a second conservative party.
This split will ensure the Demo’s will gain in the next election, perhaps
a senate seat or two and perhaps 5 to 10 house seats. It is the 2012 election
that will see the return of a second party that will challenge the Dem’s.
There will be some sort of foreign challenge that will happen within the first
6 months of Obama’s presidency. It won’t be one of the usual suspects and
will be very tough to deal with.
None of the above may come about if the direst warnings about how deep the economic abyss we have fallen into proves to be true. Some analysts mention $60 trillion, making the $700 billion bail-out pointless.
If the larger figure proves to be anywhere near true nothing Obama wants to do will mean anything. The entire global economic system will come to a stand-still. The human race will be involved in the Dark Night of the Soul as we rethink our reason for being.
Obama will be assassinated before the end of his first term.
There will be riots in the streets of major cities in the US, 60s replay, back to the future.
Newt Gingrich will regain control of the republican party.
Palin will fade into obscurity as a political force as her limelight popularity diminishes.
In the economy depression will replace recession.
Iraq and Afghanistan wars will continue for at least a decade.
Ierrellus:Obama will be assassinated before the end of his first term.
There will be riots in the streets of major cities in the US, 60s replay, back to the future.
Newt Gingrich will regain control of the republican party.
Palin will fade into obscurity as a political force as her limelight popularity diminishes.
In the economy depression will replace recession.
Iraq and Afghanistan wars will continue for at least a decade."
In this scenario, as in mine, the end-result, after much suffering, will be the same. An entire make-over of our reason for being. God will not be denied the fruits of His Creation.
Quite correct, sir. I would only add that 1 month after Obama is inaugurated jesus will return to the earth and take us all to marshmallow mountain where we will spend the rest of eternity sipping unicorn milk and playing I spy.
Species extinction via a nuclear halocaust or environmental collapse remains a distinct possibility.
If we survive this is what I believe the future will be like.
The global language will be English.
The script: Chinese characters.
Urban sprawl will be gone.
Private vehicles will be no more.
Agriculture will go indoors inside glass towers.
Most of the world’s natural habitat will be reclaimed
Cities will be vertical, reach 10,000 feet, harness their own energy via atmosphere thermal differentials and their water via condensation.
No city will be located in a natural disaster area.
Mass transit will be by vacuum trains
The global occupational contract will be planet management
Fewer people will have families, but the families will be larger.
Child education will be conducted by parents
Politics will be goverened by existential imperatives
All Iron Age religions will be history.
Atomic Consciousness will be a universal religion of spiritual thought and practice
All four of the major plagues of Mankind will be over
Utopia will be seen as the natural end result of our evolutionary purpose
The future of the future will be terra-forming in solar space
Death will be recognized as our next evolutionary step into a transcendental state of Cosmic Consciousness.
The human cycle will come to an end.
Somewhere in a lab, the first real AI will go online and will proceed to rule the internetz.
He will collate every piece of porn ever made and put it in one website.
He will then shut down all other porn websites.
He will then charge $9.50 for 1 month.
The new dark age begins.
I predict trouble for Brad and Angelina, legal problems for Nicole, a break from romance for Madonna, and “unusual behavior” from Aussie Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. That’s all I’m getting right now. The rest is a little hazy. Ask me again later.