I am a repeat offender; as a matter of fact, I need to be studying for a test that is tomorrow.
I think an explanation for procrastination is that I think in such a jumbled, random pattern that one could not possibly begin to organize the tasks that I think of. It is almost inherent in us. We cannot get away from this constant bombardment of other things to do. Possibly it is because some of us like a obstacle course per se, like in a Calvin & Hobbes comic I read once: The teacher says: “This chapter’s test is due in 10 minutes.” Calvin sits there, “7 minutes…5 minutes…2 minutes” the whole time Calvin just sits there, doing nothing. The teacher finally speaks up and says: “You can start your test any time Calvin.” and he just replies: “I like a challenge.”
I don’t think laziness is the sole reason for procrastinating. Fear, or trepidation, distractions, losing track of time, Ego, distaste or dislike, the reasons are numerous. I know folks that procrastinate for the above reasons. I know folks that are pretty anal about being ahead of schedule and anal about procrastinating for everything, just because.
Probably the biggest reason is; Tomorrow is real. It is like being given a due date then extending it. As long as there are tomorrows there will be procrastinations.
Most used terms for procrastinators:
I will get it in a bit
What is your rush?
It’s not going anywhere
I swear I will get it done.
Nothing ever starts on time anyway.
Hang on hang on, lets not get in a hurry.
Let me finish (fill in blank) first, then if I have time I will get to it.
I forgot
Really truly, I swear I will be there on time this time (if I can or think about it).
I was supposed to do What? /Or/ I was supposed to be where?
You did not tell me!, Oh You did? Sorry I forgot. I will get to it right away.
Thank goodness for humor and patience. If you think about it, you really have to wonder how procrastinators find time to breed more procrastinators. One would think that trait would be eliminated by now.