Propaganda in the age of marketing

What can be done about this? How effective is marketing? Does it control people’s minds? How does it operate? Is there an ethical problem with using these tactics? How can resist dedicated misinformation campaigns?

That’s three threads now that are essentially just quotes, some of them large. You’d probably be better of putting it in your own words and just linking to the main source. Firstly, a quote should support or complement your own point instead of making it for you. But more importantly, posting large quotes like that can lead to legal problems for the Forum.

NOTE: I’m not a lawyer nor an expert concerning such things, but as an Admin for a couple other forums we always discourage this type of post. Partly the CYA factor, but also for decorum. Just my POV, not necessarily authoritative.

hmmm… I thought the questions were enough.

what can be done? as long as conspiracy theorists can hide behind freedom of the press they will have followers…

how effective? someone believed it

control minds? you voted for it

how does it operate? in your public schools

ethical problem? not at all…

resist dedicated misinformation? become a teacher


ironic that my copyright post is currently below (or above?) this.

I would agree with Phaedrus for more than legal reasons, when you post a 3 page article it makes one wonder if your going to just post quote answers to their concerns, debates.

I didn’t mean to be ironic. :blush: It really is more the issue that by just posting a quote, you’re not really saying anything. It would be a more effective use of ILP’s server bandwidth to just post a link if you only wish to use someone elses writing.

Sorry, I’m not saying that just to bust your chops, NabberGnossi.

Ill avoid the whole complaint of you using an enormous quote, and i will add my opinion on media tactics. I come from a conversation analysts approach, and have been studying the ways in which tv interviewers lead their interviewees to only be able to respond to questions in only a matter of a few different ways. This keeps interviewees from being able to get off subject, or from changing the focus of the interview itself from the programs path. What is actually produced here, leaves the audience with only a certain amount of ways of interpreting the data presented to them in the interview. originally i doubt this was a big scheme by the media, or politicians, but this has come as a result of the progression of tv news programs. By leaving the audience with only a certain amount of information, for example, this is some expert who is related to the subject at hand in this way, and this is what he has to say, leaves the audience to only interpret the data in a few different ways, and leads the general public to only develop a few different perspectives on the issues, very few of which are educated. It takes a viewer that is a bit more aware of media tactics to be able to look past what is being told to them, and to be able to search for more information and to be able to compile the most sound of ideas into one complete thought regarding the topic at hand. Media bias is obviously evident here, just watch two different tv stations give a story on the same issue and see what is talked about and what is left out of each report. In reporting, its always a judgment call of the station as to what is the most important. The framing of stories will be different with different bias’ present for different companies. Whether there is any ethical problem, a lot more has to be defined here, in my opinion it is wrong to decieve the public in this way, as many arent educated enough, or dont simply feel they have the time to investigate the truth. This is enough for the time being, i appreciate your time and your opinions.