The Parable of Sodom and Gomorrah

Twenty years ago, for no particular reason, while living in Hollywood, my consciousness was invaded by the biblical parable of Sodom and Gomorrah. In a strange way I felt as though I was Lot, and that God was warning me to get out of the life I was living , take my family and go and find a more wholesome life far away from the maddening crowd. And, just like Lot, I argued with God that people are intrinsically good and that abandoning them was tantamount to admitting that humankind was more evil than godly. Despite my objections the sense of impending disaster would not go away and the feeling that I must leave remained. We had four small children at that time and the periodic reminders of the earth shuddering beneath us that we lived right on top of the San Andreas fault line did little to relieve me of concern.

I spent many months waking up every morning with the sense of impending dread, trying to analyzing and shake off the oppressive feeling. I worked hard on deciphering the inner meaning of the parable. I eventually concluded that Sodom represented the glut of our fleshy appetites and that Gomorrah represented our national preoccupation with gambling with money and trying to get rich quick by gouging a profit out of every transaction. The inference of the warning was that if these two social addictions consumed us to the exclusion of allowing the cautionary hand of God into our lives, mass dysfunction would set in and they would eventually spell the destruction of our modern culture.

In effect my own consciousness was warning me and asking me to stand back from the mass indoctrination and try to deprogram myself and my family from their insidious influences. Having thus satisfied myself as to what was causing the inner sense of unease, the larger question of Lot remained. What was the purpose of saving myself if the rest of humanity was to be left behind? A life without extended social interaction was no life at all… Surely the rest of humanity could be made to see the danger in the same way that I did. So, like Lot, with great earnestness, I made a deal with God to find ten good family men. I began warning friends, family and strangers alike that if we did not make significant alterations in the way we lived our lives, our civilization would crumble to dust. I suggested that we begin to wean ourselves off a money-based capitalistic economic system and start cleaning up our act by paying more attention to our spirituality. My urging, just as the parable predicted, was laughed at and derided. I could not find a single person to agree with me.

So I packed up my family, left Hollywood and settled on a farm far away in a lonely desert. I knew my wife was not totally happy with my decision. I warned her that the parable predicted that Lot’s wife would look back and turn into a pillar of salt. She laughed at that and vehemently denied that she would ever leave her children. Her chuckles at my silliness were stilled when the apartment we had left just two weeks earlier, collapsed on its foundations during the North Ridge Earthquake.

Over the next few years I wrote and published a book that outlined the gradual evolution of human consciousness all the way from Stone Age family values to the Present international tensions. The book provided a graphic illustration of the logical progression of social and spiritual survival imperatives that have taken place over four past Ages of human development and how that has led us to our present condition. I argued that we were at the end of a Technological Age of over-intensive mass production and environmental exploitation and that the exponential pressures of our populations on an over-burdened planet demanded a far more ethical attitude as regards the meaning of life and purpose of mankind’s lethal domination of the home planet. Once again I naively expected that the progressive logic of the argument would immediately influence readers and make them find ways and means to change their life style. It never happened. Psyche-Genetics became an instant non-seller. Not a soul responded to it. No book in the history of publication has sold less.

That failure succeeded in shutting down my objections against God. I could not find one person in either Sodom or Gomorrah to listen, let alone the ten God had agreed to in the parable. The failure to communicate allowed my wife’s grumbling to resume. Her discontent was once again stilled temporally when she saw the eerie sight of the twin towers of World Trade crumbled to dust. I then got on a dozen internet forums, (just like this one) and began broadcasting thousands of posts related to the need for a mass change of consciousness. And again got back nothing but derision from all. God had been right all along.

Three years ago my wife found the desert solitude oppressive. She left a loving husband and loving children in preference for a life back Sodom and Gomorrah and has subsequently turned into a pillar of salt.

In September of this year, the whole edifice of Sodom and Gomorrah, as predicted in the ancient parable, has begun to collapse. The walls are falling across the length and breadth of the planet.

I find it hard to believe no book has sold worse, especially since I see several positive reviews from several readers of that tome on It seems to still be in print, at least. From what I’ve seen of your writing on the forums you’re a capable communicator; your message may yet sink in.

I’ll get around to picking this up and reading it.
My only difficulty is the price.
Nearly $40 for thoughts of philosophy, especially that which is supposed to be for the benefit of society is hard to swallow.

Any rate, I’ll read it at some point.

If you are referring to the incredible cycle of social implosion…well…I’d have to think you are right considering the results from experiments on rats.
I think the only real question (of which I could care less about) is the timeframe.

Such doom-and-gloomers!

Sure, we’re in tough times but a dark age of human being is anything but certain. In fact, if recent events have anything to say about it, there’s a lot of hope in the world.

I do agree with you in one fundamental sense though, MagnetMan. We need to transition from our exploitive and ultimately destructive variant of capitalistic being in the world to an economic way of life that is a little more generous with its property. I don’t like the idea of stewardship, or treating the earth as if it is in our care for someone else (who, by the way?) but rather I want to uphold private property to the fullest.

Only if we have something to lose does life have value.

We have the home planet to lose. Only a concerted effort by the human family, working with the same goal in mind can save it and turn it into a ciltivated Garden of Eden. Our huge brain has evolved for that reason. Nature gave us a wild blossom, we have presented God with a domesticated rose. He gave us a wild horse and now we race thoroughbreds.

This is not about doom and gloom.
IPheonix has always arisen from the ashes.
This is a warning
Civilizations always collapse by not learning from history.
They burn up the immediate fuel reserves, run out of energy and force everybody back into the jungle.
This time there is no jungle left to start again.


You can buy it used on Amazon for ten bucks or less. I’ll give you back your ten bucks if you don’t get anything out of it.I am not interested in making money out of it, just sending a message.

But again, Earth is not ours to lose if we are only its stewards… If we are its stewards then we do not own it, i.e., it is not ours to lose. Earth is only God’s to lose (assuming that in your thinking God is the true owner of all creation). All we can lose in your thinking is our status as steward of the Earth… We cannot lose the Earth itself.

However I do agree that everything would be good if there was a “concerted effort by the human family, working with the same goal in mind”. To me it is the concerted effort of love that will bring into being what you call a “cultivated Garden of Eden”…

I tend to disagree however that our brain has an evolutionary purpose to subdue other beings in the world, even though I do see strong support for this opinion in both creation narratives of Genesis (i.e., that humankind is to subdue creation or act as its gardener on God’s behalf).

I tend to read Creation a little differently though. I prefer the idea of hospitality over stewardship so that when I read Genesis 1, where everything is good, I see God being hospitable with God’s property (compare this to the second creation narrative where God holds back from Adam and Eve and everything falls apart). God isn’t saying “take care of this while I’m gone” in the first narrative, but rather God is telling us to “make ourselves at home” in God’s home. This is what the “you shall have dominion over all” bit means. We have dominion over all because God has welcomed us to all that God has like a hospitable host does.

To tie this back to my prior comments: When everything is good, when the Garden of Eden has been cultivated and we’re living off its bounty, it is because there is a universal and concerted effort to love by every being in the world. This means every being in the world welcomes every other being in the world to all that it has, just as God does in Genesis 1 and just as any hospitable host does when they welcome a guest.

This is the point of the tradition: The point is to call us to a life of unconditional hospitality or love or service to others. But in this life we are called to we do not serve like a steward or slave serves, but like a hospitable host serves their guest. This is the life of service that will bring about the paradise you dream of… IMO at least.

Sure it’s just a warning, since we’re certainly not back in “the jungle” yet, but it’s a pretty final, i.e., doom-and-gloom end state you profess.

i.e., You say “This time there is no jungle left to start again”, meaning this time is unlike any other time civilization has collapsed, meaning this time the pheonix will NOT rise again from its ashes because the ashes are bereft of the nutrients needed by life…

I don’t understand why you mention a pheonix and say it’s not doom-and-gloom and then say that this time is different and there’s no hope if we don’t change soon… Sounds pretty doom-and-gloom to me!

I don’t mind paying for it at all, I just can’t justify $40 for 500 pages of philosophy.
That said, do you have a link to the $10 copy? The only copy I could find on Amazon was this paperback and this hardback (respectively $10 difference between the two versions).


Oh btw…you could’ve probably had more people find out about the book had you gone through a regular publishing company instead of AuthorHouse self publishing services.
A good chunk getting people to read books is the advertising dollars put into the marketing.

Psyche-Genetics is not just thoughts on existing philophy. It presents an entirely new and more holistic theory on the evolution of consciousness. Its conclusions are basically similar to that of De Chardin, but offers a more detailed explanation of the environmental and occupational imperatives that drive human evolution in general. It concludes that there is a direct correlation between seven distinct stages of individual maturation and seven Ages of collective development. I have applied this connection to the education of my children and have direct confirmation that the association is real. The theory can be used to psycho-analyze the state of an individual’'s development and also that of entire societies. An outline of the Heartstart home education curriculum is part of the book. Psyche-Genetics predicts that two more Ages of collective evolution will follow after the Nuclear Age. At that stage the human cycle will be complete. The theory and all its general assumptions will be a massive undertaking for future researchers. All I have done is sketch a basic outline - arguing that phsyics and metaphsyics are negative and positive attributes of atomic radiation…

This link is best for an inexpensive copy.

I have been a professional television producer for most of my adult life. I wrote and produced all my own scripts. I have zero connection with book publishing.
I faced two problems in publishing a book.
1st. is Catch 22. You need an agent to get a publisher and you need a publisher to get an agent.
2nd. I am anti-capitalism and all its advertising BS. I am now poor by choice and have no money to spare anyway.
I sent out 40 free copies and talk about the Psyched-Genetic Theory on the internet and rely on word of mouth to snow ball
If that don’t work, either the theory is no good or the timing is wrong.
If the theory proves right it will completely revolutionize the way mankind views his position in the cosmic scheme of things.
I personally know the value of what I have accomplished and will take that satisfaction to the grave with me…

Thanks for the link.

I hope some of the money get’s to you, even with the oath to poverty.

On a slightly related topic…

Source: … 1200963306

This is pretty much right up my alley of thinking, and having two children; it holds value.
I grew up in a methodology close, but not exact, to the above described (of which a detailed account would take too long).

This said, I also attended regular school on-top of this method of training.
My Father simply considered the above lessons to be, “good old fashion values”.

Now I’m wondering…do you think that it’s possible to accomplish this set of instructions without removing the mainstream scholastic system from the children?

I understand that 8th grade and a GED are nothing really brilliant by the standards of human capacity, but I personally think the growth in understanding a personal place in social reality, even if that growth is, “I don’t belong here”, is vital; to feel a part of and belong to a social group and generation; to have a generational identity.

So, is this possible in your mind, or are the two completely incompatible?

I predict that upon the seventh hour of the seventh day of the seventh year the child prince will read his will and find he has omitted himself from his own inheritance.

The three kingdoms will talk upon an island in the middle of the middle sea, and the beast shall be drowned in a pool of vinegar.

So I say.

Two excellent questions!

Your second concern, about socialization, is valid in a small family group with only one or two children. Four or more well-spaced siblings ( 3 years apart in age) is the least optimum group for structuring healthy heirarchal responsibilities. With this in place; homeschooling is the kindest, most competative and most loving enviroment where parents can consantly refereee the development of sound social skills. I have nine kids. They have no problems in larger social adjustments. In fact they are far more objective and less judgemental. Individually and collectively they are rehgarded as a phenomenon in our local community. Other parents continuously remark on the willingsness, the work ethic, moral integrity and kindness of my group.

Your first concern strikes at the heart of the child education crisis we are facing today.
I am getting ready to publish the HeartStart homeschool manual for parental guidance.
It would be interesting to get your comments on the opening preamble: It think it addresses your question.



Nearly forty years ago, Roger W. Sperry., Cal. Tech, Professor of Psychobiology, writing on Lateral Specialization of Cerebral Function in Surgically Separated Hemispheres, had the following statement to make:

“The main theme to emerge…is that there appear to be two modes of thinking, verbal and non-verbal, represented rather separately in left and right hemispheres of the brain, respectively, and that our educational system, as well as science in general, tends to neglect the non-verbal form of intellect. What it comes down to is that modern society discriminates against the right hemisphere. The verbal half of the brain, the left half, dominates most of the time in individuals with intact brains as well as in split-brain patients.”

Despite this observation, by an eminant Nobel Prize winner, made more than a generation ago, warning us that we are educating only one side of the child brain and therefore only evoking half of its creative potential, neither the government nor private education institutions have paid much attention to it. The same public school policy that was implemented nationally more than a century ago continues unaltered today. That same one-sided textbook school curriculum has been foisted on home-school parents.

There has been no attempt by any government or private research institute evaluating whether the intensive child indoctrination system that has been accepted as an international standard of education, might be short-circuiting human intelligence and gradually destabilizing the collective psyche of the entire specie. The fact that only 1% of students achieve excellence in tests, most are mediocre, 40% drop out entirely and God alone knbows how many cheat at examinations, seems not to have been cause for a call for a mass change of direction

Looked at objectively, what does the international education system boil down to?

For six hours each weekday, children are bundled off to school and incarcerated inside crowded classrooms. There, for the next twelve years and more, the left side of their brains are systematically imprinted with a purely analytical evaluation of reality.

Socially, students are instructed that their national political ideologies, whether it be administered via capitalism, communism or socialism, is the only moral foundation on which to govern people and give them the freedom to pursue happiness

From an economic contractual perspective, the national education goal is to place as many literate workers as possible on the mass production lines, with little attention paid to the personal cultivation of individual ethics or the artistic development of their full creative potential.

Scientifically the entire specie is instructed that reality can only be measured empirically.

This one-sided analytical focus on political, economic and scientific evaluations leaves the intuitive right side of the brain to more or less atrophy. Its infinite inspirational potential, and its ability to question the validity of all analytical rationales and seek a more profound sense of balance is left out of the developmental equation,

As a net result of all existing state-sponsored child indoctrination systems of education, apparently sane graduates can be easily persuaded to passionately dislike and partition their own populations via divisive political arguments over how to govern the nation. It allows them to unevenly divide the wealth produced by the gross work effort of the nation; exploit the labor of their workers to the fullest extent of the law; gouge excessive profits out of the market place; gamble with commodities without moral care; empirically deny the existence of spiritual influences, without providing a stitch of evidence to support this claim. And, worse than all the above; in the extreme, tap into the emotional bank of mass indoctrination and easily excite tens of millions to wage international wars and murder the populations of any other culture that does not conform to its own standards. All of this is done, without ever evoking the inner moral guide specifically evolved by Nature, able to question and find self-determined balance to all of it.

What has never been holistically analyzed in terms of evaluating the mass psychology of what happens when entire populations have been systematically drilled from early childhood in artificial evaluations, with all trained to obey technical instructions from superiors. graduates tend to remain in a pre-adult stage, relying on supervision from cradle to grave. Very few mature with self-assurance and a self-policed sense of personal responsibility. There is very little creative assertion.

Thus the nation becomes mired in bureaucratic administration, requiring the endless legislation of laws, legal interpretation and the massive expense of policing a more or less robotic citizenry that can be easily manipulated to the left or the right by any person or system of government that pretends to be fully knowledgeable.

In developmental psychology, it can be stated that the current mass mentality of the most technologically advanced nations remains locked into their teens.

In direct contrast, for the past twenty years the Heartstart program has taken a dual-brain approach to child education. The graduation results have been phenomenal. The ethical behavioral results even more so. We have produced self-tutored, self-policed graduates endowed with a profound sense of personal ethical constraints and a deep reverence for Nature and the technological excellence of the master Consciousness She has evolved. They are all excellent scholars and creative workers. There moral compass is solidly set on Truth is Love. The oldest are now in their twenties. The behavior of each and every one of them has not given their parents a single moment of consern.

First of all…props to writing a book. What’s the title so I can look it up on Amazon? I combed over your website, but didn’t see it…I tried searching the title of your post “The Parable of Sodom and Gomorrah”, and didn’t find it either.

Secondly, I’m glad to hear of your satisfaction…popularity obviously doesn’t say anything about the quality of your ideas, and I’m afraid your audience is by default a small one, judging by the depth of your ideas.

Anyways, sorry to hear about your wife. :frowning:

The preamble is nice, but I think it disservices your actual point.
I don’t feel that you are interested in saving nations by way of transforming the educational construction of the maluable youth mind.

I feel that you are interested in helping people find methods to reach back and become whole parts of human again; rather than severed sections screaming from the other side of their brains; which ever they happen to be glassed into.

If it was my preamble, I think I would personalize the concept more and focus on how it invigorates the soul of being a human and understanding the human experience; how coming to terms with this is of value for one’s life in the future as a human, regardless of social economic success. Concentrate on the idea that social economic success should be a choice made with skill available and sharp consideration, not blind pursuit in ignorance of the self’s human soul.

I see the point being more that the human experience of life is the root of life as an experience itself, and not that the experience is a byproduct of the experience pursued. Push more on this concept and how it benefits the person and their happiness.

When showing larger examples than an individual, show small communities, rather than global or national levels.
I would concentrate on how, even in mixed social communities, the fully experienced human can better understand and predict their social environment as they are simply able to sense more of the world and the other human’s around them than those that are societal grey humans (this is a term I use in reference to “sidewalk humanity”… that is to say, technologically anchored man; deafened from the sound of being human, of their surrounding).

That is the start I would close in on.
There is a majesty that many have felt in nature, but don’t really understand what it is.

Then there are some, like yourself, that do understand; that hear the dirt beneath the foot and sense the life of the experience and life that they are apart of.
I think that’s what you are interested in sharing; to show how this type of human is the type of human that is more apt at being humane and kind to his fellow man; empathetic towards his fellow man.
That this is the kind of man that can imagine that which is not seen but only felt; and able to sense bonds that unit men where others are blind to the connection and actually cause dissonance ignorantly casting chaotic explosions at times to the ribbon of this human thread.

I think that is what I would try to pin down somewhat more.
A personal approach…it’s Parents that you are going to be talking to; they want to know why their child is better with this…not the society at large…not this early in the instruction anyway.

Hope that helps.

Very true. That is precisely the approach I took in writing Psyche-Genetics. That book is essentially the personal pilgrimage of a selfish atheist who was graced enough to resdiscover himself by learning to love mankind and the spirit that drives all of us to excell in life.

Heartstart is a manual for parental guidance. It urges parents to take the plunge and take charge of the education of their own children. Its central argument is that the scientific genius is already imprinted in the child psyche - earned by a 100,000 generations of ancestral input. The educational trick is to evoke a strong sense of spiritual awarness by puberty. This inner awareness instills a constant inner drive towards personal expressions of excellence in every aspect of life. Thus, by puberty, the psyche is self-policed and self-driven to master academics without outside help. Parents only need to be firm and loving ethical guides. They need only a minimun of junior high arithmetic and grammar accumen in order to graduate high performance scholars ready for university.

But I think you are right, beginning a preamable by showing what is wromg with the system is perhaps not a positive way to introduce the manual. I have been busy on others and will maybe post them too. Second opinions are always valuable.

The rest of your comments are well taken. They clearly suggest that you have a good book waiting for you to write.

Thanks for the input.
Cheers MM

We all have women problems, magnet. I suggest you get over yourself.


You should consider for just a second that you’re NOT a prophet and that your wife left you for a very good reason…because you’re INSANE.

My opinion on M, for whatever it’s worth…

Regardless of prophetism or not, I don’t think he’s insane.

What I do think, is that no one in regular common society, on average, will think of him as sane.
This is because he is asserting a perspective that is not part of the interest or concern of regular society, but grips M tightly with passion and seriousness.

He see’s a problem with the present course of society and is trying to suggest a means to steer away from it.

The parable comparative above is a figurative rhetoric that allows him the ability to express his feeling of understanding with the story itself.
In a sense, it is a narrative of the experience and life of what it is like to truly push counter to the culture at large; in this case, with positive assertion.

With all respect for M and his family, to include his wife of the story above, his wife, according to the telling above, left because the value of the present cultural values and identities is too much a part of her psyche and need; the sudden shift was too much for her to adjust to, unlike M.

It would be like Ari Gold (the Hollywood agent character from Entourage) jumping up and selling off everything he owned and turning Amish; there’s a strong chance that his Wife may not stay as it wasn’t her ambition…she still wanted her near-mansion and status.

So he’s not really insane at all, but he is charging a position that radically challenges the mainstream acceptance of the reality of what it is to be part of the human experience.

Since this idea devalues materialistic need and concentrates more on human bond with it’s surroundings, as well as a devaluing of the entire current educational construct of western society, he will appear insane.

Historically speaking…we’ll know if he’s insane 20 to 40 some years after he dies.

Sanity is a concensus of opinions.
Ta for the suppport. Stumps

Hopefully I will be there watching, on cloud nine, having the last laugh. :laughing:

Perhaps insane is the wrong word. Deluded, misguided, unintelligent…the man makes assertions based on inference with an incomplete look at the data. There’s nothing wrong with coming up with the ideas he comes up with, but to believe them with such conviction just because he was the one who dreamt them up or because he has one situational shred of proof is not logical.

There’s nothing wrong with comparing yourself to a character in a story; it’s often the author’s goal to make it relatable. There is something wrong with telling your story on an internet forum hoping for a pity party under the guise of only helping others and with assuming that paralleling your story with a biblical one will add gravitas to your argument when the bible is one of the most universally relatable books of all time. Anyone can find a story in it somewhere that applies to themselves.

By the way, where did you live, magnet? What address?