These money hungry industries never listed these side effects. Plus Johnson & Johnson is known for baby products, now they make mental illness pills (just another more money for the rich ploy, bought the license for $13 billion, whats one of the biggest things to exploit?? the mentally sick who no one trusts with their medications)?? And it shows the effects in children. But obviously older, and bigger people, just a build up if this drug can give you those side effects.
Despite what the medical community would like to think, the workings of the mind really aren’t all that well understood. Actually, the workings of the body are still very mysterious in many ways. I think medicine, while very adept at some things, is pretty backwards compared to many other areas of human knowledge. No offense to the medical profession, just my observation.
We create the best drugs and medications we can given our imperfect understanding of how chemicals interact with the brain. Some disorders can be treated more effectively than others. I happen to have a few friends who say Paxil gave them their lives back. YMMV.