psychology of social acceptance

Our emotions make us vulnerable to other peoples scrutiny and judgements . If your around people that u care for and the feeling is mutal then why is there still the fear of vunerability… fear of not being accepted…or is their? Why is acceptance so important within a society? Is it something that is innate…that the only way subconsciously to survive is the dependence to and from others? Do the majority of us need other people to fullfill our lives like in childhood. Why do some of us feel that way others project otherwise…

Some people care about what others think of them, they like for people to enjoy their company and want to help others enjoy their lives better. While some are percieved as passive when it comese to what others think of them, and do what they want without contemplating their actions. Does the first group mean that an individual is weak and needs the acceptance of others to accept themselves? While the second group already accepts themselves as who they are and dosen’t need that acceptance? And then their is a group that coincides between the two.

Considering all factors that are involved, I’m interested in others perspective…

Actually it is guilt that makes us vulnerable.

Guilt being a social construct guided by moral idealisms.

A society without guilt is one without vulnerability and such a reality is where “anything goes”.

Standardized uniformity.

So your saying that guilt is the only driving factor that makes individuals feel vunerable?

Whats the advantage of standardized uniformity?

There is no use in standardized uniformity.

Ever met the really fierce conformists? The ones really embarressed by people with quirks and eccentricities? Hate new ideas, or anything outside of their experience, and angrily guard the idea that they are nothing special, novel things do not happen and that you should “conform or get the fuck off the planet,” as one person so eliquently put it to me?

I hate them.

We are not a thick slop of humanness, we are individuals. Social acceptence? Balls. I conform therefore I am? Twaddle.

Sorry, am I ranting?

What they said on the subject of standard conformity.

The only use of standard conformity is to the ones pulling the strings while everyone else is fooled into believing that it benefits them even though often times it clearly does not.

Not exactly. I just mentioned guilt being a social construct since you brought it up in this thread.

There are many kinds of vulnerability and not all of them are entirely imaginative either.

Social acceptance is a basic need according to the Maslovian scale. Besides the needs for survival and safety, Maslow places social needs as love, acceptance and belonging, and esteem, the need to be respected as third and fourth on his hierarchy of needs. Feelings of vulnerability and a longing for acceptance indicate that the subject has not satisfied his social or esteem needs and is feeling the longing that the vacuum leaves. Of course if the subject is the object of derision the longing gives way to pain and injury. One does encounter the loner, Rugged individualist, who shuns company and follows his own path. Usually if you scratch below the surface you’ll find they crave community.

You’ll find they crave attention, not community. Loners feel a need to make themselves the centre of attention, not joining a community. In middle school I sent a bunch of love letters to this girl - not to actively chat her up, but to get the passive attention of the school. Nobody knew it was me, although a few assumed so, so I got a kick out of this anonymous power. I hated society, and found community below me. Again, here I was attempting to quench my Maslovian need for self esteem but not by “joining in,” instead by taking control - even if it was my own personal idea of control.

The survival instinct says “you need community to survive” - Ego says “I reject that - I am above that - I only need power and control to survive - even if it is only self-control”

Okay, agreed.