
Not sure this should be here or in the philosophy forum, but here goes:

I am wondering if there is a prevalent definition of the purpose of punishment of crimes in our society. If so, what does its say?

Any input is appreciated, especially from those with a law degree…

I’ve heard there are usually a few main reasons for punishment:
(1) Deterrent
(2) Retributivism
(3) rehabilitation
(4) relief for the victim or victim’s family in the case of murder

There are many theorists that you can use. On retributivism I would look into Kant. On deterrence you might have to go to philosophy of law, no one comes to mind right now. On rehabilitiation you should probably look into sociologists and psychologists.

good luck.

Thanks! Maybe i assume to much, but i have sort of pictured myself that our governments has a clear and elaborate definition of the purpose of punishment declared in a constitution or similar somewhere. I mean, isn’t there a reference for this?

I really don’t think so. There is specific things about cruel and unusual in the constitution but I couldn’t find a justification for punishment in general.

I’ll keep an eye out.