Quantum Collapse as evidence for a "soul"

I’ll brashly muddle through my poor understanding of quantum physics. Imagine “???” at every point of this message.

I gather this partly from the explaination here, tenthdimension.com/flash2.php
on the end of #5

“Quantum physics tells us that the subatomic particles that make up our world are collapsed from waves of probability simply by the act of observation. In the picture we are drawing for ourselves here, we can now start to see how each of us are collapsing the indeterminate wave of probable futures contained in the fifth dimension into the fourth dimensional line that we are experiencing as “time”.”

Apparently, we collapse particles by simply looking at them. This is because the particles behave relative to factors beyond the third dimension (eg: time). When we look at a particle, it affects the particle’s future in relation to us. The change in possible timelines collapses the particle to a different state because the timelines have changed from what it originally would have been had we not looked.

A bit like opening the fridge door to see if the light is off- particles change when we observe them ourselves.

Machines can record the state of a particle without collapsing it, but the particle changes when a living person or animal observe it.

So there’s a fundamental difference in matter responding to “living” things as opposed to nonliving things.

Is that not the first physical evidence we have ever seen concerning a “soul” or a quality exclusive to living things? For everything we observe, can we now in any way consider a logical binary determination for . . .

(S / ~S) as in (S)oul.


Nice video about physics and free will:


It’s from the movie “Waking Life”. It’s only three minutes long.

BTW, I don’t think that machines can measure without collapsing the wave too. Actually, the only way we can observe is through machines.

I don’t know about you, but I use my eyes to observe sometimes.