Quantum Physics?

In my definition, to exist is to affect. In quantum physics, only either velocity or direction can be known at a time, or something like that. My question is, if you can only observe one at a time, and to observe is to be affected by, then does that mean that only one of the two properties is affecting at a time? Does one disappear while the other is observed?

You can measure position and velocity both at the same time but with varying degrees of precision. The more precise you measure the position the less precise the velocity and vice versa.

This is due to the fact that in the quantum world variables are discrete and not linear, they jump from one number to another but not to the intermediate values. The intermediate values are forbidden. This is very odd and weird since it is like the quantum world acted somewhat like a DIGITAL computer or it is as if it were mathemtically designed from the outset, kind of like “intelligent design” …

And in fact the only possible explanation for why the world is understandable mathematically at all is that an alien race from outer space, or from some parallel universe, or from some recursive simulated computer universes etc. designed us.

We no longer need to explain how they were designed or how they evolved since they can very well inhabit a universe with other physical laws where high speed evolution is possible or maybe in their universe there are only minds, these minds being monolithic slab like elementary particles etc. We need only explain our universe and our physics but their physics is outside of our range and jurisdiction. Not only is it uselss to explain them, but any explanation of how the aliens work is equivalent and irrelevant. We cannot discover the physics of universes of which we have no access to and in which we cannot interact with or perceive.

Do both have exact numbers, just ones we can’t know? I mean, they have to have actual exact values, right? And if so then these values are in use by whatever the measured particle affects, right?

Exact numbers, exact values ? alot of debates about that, QED is considered the most precise physical theory since it does get to predict very precise numbers for physical entities.

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