Illegal immigration has been around ever since the US has been around. Why is illegal immigration a problem only now, at this time in the US history?
Illegal immigration has always been a problem.
It’s that, until now, it’s not been enough of a problem for enough people with enough of a voice.
Economy, disease, population, It all has caused an increase of migration in dramatic numbers. When I was a kid by the border, a wave of illegals meant 10 or 20 people if that in a day. Now its hundreds to thousands striving everyday to come here. big difference and bigger problem.
Is it the rest of the world that’s gotten shittier? It would have to be. Why else would more people that usual come to America?
Either that or the world is still as shitty as always, but the shit has finally hit the fan in America after 300 or so years.
or maybe despite … the problems of america it’s still the best place on earth to raise a family, work hard and try to get ahead.
NO ITS NOT!![/opinion]
Nobody said it wasn’t glider. America’s bestest-in-the-world wasn’t brought into question, but since you started it let me ask you this: Have you lived or raised a family anywhere else on earth?