Question about truth

But mutation doesn’t prove truth can’t be an absolute. I see the material universe operating in a simple compatibilist format that illustrates this. Matter that constantly changes only does so under the supervision of the presumptively absolute non-contact forces. I’m aware the NC forces aren’t accepted as absolutes. Fluctuations have been recorded a couple times in the past, though the reason is unknown; could be an anomaly somewhere in the universe exerted some affect. Also, someone argued that the NC forces were likely created in the first few nanoseconds of the big bang, i.e., there were no such forces until they were thus created and therefore couldn’t be ‘absolute’ in a strong sense. But perturbations and something that happened unimaginable years ago don’t change the model. The NC forces have been steadily doing their jobs for long enough to establish the compatibilist pattern which shows how the absolute can be harmonized with mutation.

Correction to last post: I meant to say fluctuations IN GRAVITY.