greetings. i have a question for my atheist colleagues.
Even before the war in Iraq, there was a lot of discussion over whether or not it would an ethical action. Much of this centered upon the Christian doctrine called the “Just War Theory.” in case you are not familiar with that theory, i’ll post a short appendix to this briefly laying out its points.
my question is:
- how does the Just War Theory appears to measure up in your opinions?
- if you find a problem with the JWT, please articulate why there is a problem and your own opinion of how nations should act in time of war.
i have seen several discussions in which athiests are put to on morals and how they might or might not be possible without a religious tradition or deity. obviously athiests claim they have alternative sources of moral thinking. this question is not challenging that. its an innocent question in that there is no intention to lead or trap or what have you. so please don’t feel like you have to be on the defensive.
i am just curious what may be the feedback and variety of thinking about a specific topic: the morality of war/violence (why and when etc).
finally, i started thinking about this listening to an NPR report on Iraq, and obviously there is a direct application. however, i would enjoy it if we could first talk in the abstract rather than just about this particular conflict.
EDIT: In fact, i’ll strengthen this. PLEASE speak abstractly about principles or ideas applicable to any war now for in the future. There is already a thread going about the Iraqi War itself and there is no need to duplicate the discussion or get into Republican/Democratic politics, so lets only bring in Iraq as an illustration or example.
thank you ahead of time to those who contribute. -Anselm