How similar is the universe to a nervous system?
As similar as it has to be given the dictates of our systems of description.
It’ll have functional similarites, even if at an unobservable level, and everything will be reduced to something else until we get tired of describing, then we’ll settle on a fundamental property of both.
Does that help?
The “universe” is properly a metaphysical construct. For example, see the terms: Being, All-That-Is, Suchness, etc. It’s transcendent.
Everything inside of the universe is just a thing like any other.
Physicists nowadays are treading on very shaky ground every time they try to make positive, deterministic claims about this thing that we call the “universe”.
I don’t think I’m going to see a more true post on ILP any time soon. You know why? You’re making absolutely no attempt to say anything particularly grand or impressive.
What are you saying about truth here? That it’s a simple thing that is very easy to come across? Or maybe that it is a profoundly vacuous one, signifying a mere string of tautologies?
You don’t think that was an attempt to make a grand or impressive statement?
No it didn’t help.

How similar is the universe to a nervous system?
The feature of the omniverse, at the moment, that is your nervous system is very much like your nervous system. How similar is your hand to your body? Are they really different? Apparent differences would depend on Perspective, no?

How similar is the universe to a nervous system?
I"m not a physicist
but I could not help but to respond to this thread
the Universe and biology are seperate in that the Universe was here first
proof of that is that, in order for biology to exist in the first place is based on nutrition
meaning , first air , oxygen and the amounts of
and geology, minerals