Quotation of Parmenides to show opposition to Heraklit

Hi folks,

I am looking for a quotation of Parmenides in ancient greek which states in one or two sentences the idea of “Nothing changes / Everything stands still”.

It should portray his opposition to Herakleitos’ “Everything flows and nothing stands still” (Platons Cratylus 402a).

Don’t worry about the superficial simplification of their ideas, it should just be a (little provocative) starting point for a discussion. Their opposition is already disscussed here:

I’ll need the original ancient greek as well, but of course I can look it up myself, if I have a good hint where to find it.
(Not just “in one of Platons dialogs…”) :wink:

In case somebody has an suitable quotation from a different philosopher (e.g. Thales, Anaximander …) it would be very welcome as well.


i think Paramenides was referenced in a couple of Platos’s works as holding the belief that “All is one”

I can’t remember which one, maybe Paramenides, it would make sense :wink:

I think that such a claim is not meant to be in opposition to objects in nature having thier own nature and place(location) but is more a way of stressing the interconnectedness of suc things.