Race, existence of

Some have said that just because two people can mate and produce off spring that proves race does not exist. I after some introspection and a flash of genius, which is race in my case since I am in my 20s. says that is complete rubbish.

If two people to difference race can marry and produce, that simply says race is not reproduction orientated. Just as if two people of different age produce children, that does not imply age does not exist.

The fact is race, exist. And I have just in the above disproved the prove given by the supporters that race does not exist. supporters including our own good James No 2.

Beats PoR with a newspaper

Bad!! You make doodies OUTSIDE the site, not inside!

:laughing: :laughing:

Fucking hell POR. Not this crap again. :unamused:

gotta love gobbo :laughing:

por- you nazi…

Race does exist

Haven’t you seen the Cannonball Run?





does that mean you are in agreement with me?

Disproving the thesis “because two people can mate and produce off spring that proves race does not exist” does not disprove the thesis “race does not exist.”

I’m really not sure how to respond to this. I assume you did notice the other comment in my post…

Race exists between the firing of the gun and the snapping of the ribbon.

No seriously, PoR, give it up man. Until you come up with criteria for what defines ‘race’ and some way to prove your case, it is falling on deaf ears. People need people to be equal so we can all hold hands and dance in a great international multicultural circlejerk. PC doesn’t allow for differences that matter, only superficial ones.
I think ‘race’ is the result of adaptation and evolution to different geographical situations and climates, but I would draw the ‘race’ line at speciation myself. Since we can all still fuck eachother and make babies, race isn’t a factor yet in my eyes.

I’ve been waiting for someone to use the term ‘circlejerk’ on ILP for some time. This is an excellent use of the term, well done!


But the thesis “race does not exist” rests on the thesis “because two people can mate and produce off spring that proves race does not exist”.

Therefore, Disproving the thesis “because two people can mate and produce off spring that proves race does not exist” does disprove the thesis “race does not exist.”


You are making a categorical mistake, you do not hear race, you SEE race. Again, you are demanding a linguistic proof for what is a visually obvious scenario! If you are blind and can not distinguish between an asian, white, black person. Then no words can be enough to convince you of the truth. The best proof is to answer this question, can you recognise an asian from a white, from a black?

but your baby won’t resemble your race if you have it with someone outside of your group! Imagine if you are of race A, and mate with someone of race B. The child will not resemble A nor B but become a distinct race C. What has been continued in such circumstances? Nothing. Though humanity has been continued, the race does not.

Simply because two people of different race can interbreed does not in itself mean race does not exist! As I have proven the previous assertion false in my opening post. If such a union of two racially different individuals can produce off spring and race does not exist. then two people of different age can produce off spring then does that imply AGE does not exist! It is clearly ludicrous. I am doing my best to educate people of the stupidity of their actions, if they persist, then by God be gone!

I was talking about your argument itself. You need to define it better if you want to be taken seriously. many would dismis it on subject material alone, but some would listen if you just layed it out coherantly.
All you are doing now is rambling.
Try harder!


Before I go any further, we must set one thing straight to avoid going in circles. Please answer the following question.

Can you recognise an asian from a white from a black person apart.

Yes or No

ooh! I KNOW! I KNOW!! raises hand

not really. if they were mixed their background would be almost impossible to pick apart.

otherwise, “race” is different (unless of yourse youre on track :laughing: ).

please define race. i have dark blonde hair, but my friend has black hair. sure i could tell us apart, but why would that matter? for if a person has freckles, does that mean that they are of a different race.

[size=150]everything is relative. [/size]you dickhead.

yes…I can…but can YOU tell…say…a korean from a chinese?

Or an inuit from a mongolian?

At what point, are people different /enough/ to qualify as a new ‘race’ in your model?

What is the criteria for ‘race’ other than visual apearance? Surely appearance can’t be all? Apperance can be surgically altered. What about the black family that has a white child, due to some white genetics a few generations back (It happens) …what race is the baby…it ‘appears’ to be white…?

Give me some solid definitions as to what constitutes ‘race’ and what distinguishes one from the next.


Good God, what have you been reading? The thesis ‘race does not exist’ rests on the notion there’s no anthropological data to suggest the concept of ‘race’ has any concrete meaning, not ‘because two people can mate and produce off spring’.

The genetic underpinnings of the phenotypic traits associated with studying ‘race’ are generally misundersood and misappropriated because of the genetic complexity of humans. Moreover, ‘race’ shifts arbitrarily between a cultural concept and a biological one within different studies. (Have you actually read an anthropological study of race, or are you trying to interbreed science and philosophical meditation? They’re quite different, you know.)

Race does not exist in any strict sense (i.e. short of one’s own interpretation and/or definition of the term) because the concept itself is arbitrary and ambiguous - antiquated in the face of modern anthropology.


your argument is self-defeating. why did you include ‘mixed’ if there weren’t in prior, two distinct races by which to mix from? you said ‘almost impossible’. but for me it is possible.

I said this before. to define a race is to define a particular person. race is like colour, it can’t be defined. if you can’t recognise a red apart from an orange, then no LINGUISTIC definition will ever be satisfactory.

then is the statement “everything is relative” also relative?




since you said you can recognise an asian from black from white apart, you have just answered your own question.

WHat is the criteria for ‘colour’ other than visual appearance? Yes appearance is our identity, it is who we are.

to be continued.

is michael Jackson black or white?

Ok, I will give the criteria for defining a race. But could you please let me know what criterias are you looking for so I can define a race according to your particular criterias. mind you, if you do not let me know ALL the criterias you are after, I would not know which ones to define.


Race is not a concept. A race is a person’s identity. In humanity, there are many races. you are after a linguistic solution to what is visually obvious! can you tell an asian from a black from a white apart?

do you realise the limitations of language? in that we can not say everything we see! for language is one of universals while the world is one of particulars.

The reason I talked abut the interbreeding was because some people are using that to justify race does not exist. and I am saying by similar breath you can prove age does not exist.

also, thank you for causing my other thread thought, book and cause to be deleted. despite all of that, I still treat you as an intelligent person, so I hope you will show me the same curteousy and be honest with my question in bold and not evade it like so many other cowards.