I think it’s important too. That’s why I posted my own stereotypes of blacks so I could analyze them. Presenting them in a provocative matter makes it easier for people to read and gets me more attention, which I like. I hate when no one reads what I have to say.
You said what I wrote was hate speech. A lot of people might read it that way, but they weren’t the people I was interested in talking to. I was interested in talking to blacks and people who know blacks well to confirm or reject my ideas, not other whites to join in on hate mongering. There are probably not a lot of blacks on this website, though, cause I don’t think they’re into this kind of stuff. That’s just my experience.
The idea that black businesses are less organized I didn’t think of because I want to ridicule blacks. I got it from reading a black author’s book about his white mother. It was his mother who taught him that and at the time of his book he agreed. I’ve also come to that conclusion from being in the Greyhound bus station in Philadelphia, then being in the one in State College PA. The organization and sense of order is much different from the first one, all black, and the second, all white. It’s not necessarily a black thing, if I were to go to Bombay India, I’m sure their train stations are equally chaotic, still I believe there are differences between black and white businesses. It could be the location, and that businesses in more crowded areas are more chaotic, or it could be racial. This was the discussion I would have liked to have prompted.
As far as style goes, that’s from my own personal experience. When I go out in a town. I notice that blacks dress much more flamboyantly and pay closer attention to their appearance than whites. Whites will dress up for a night on the town, but the styles are different. I don’t know if it’s a cultural thing, or a genetic thing. It could be either. You talked about test scores. I don’t place value in test scores. Even if one race got lower test scores genetically, it wouldn’t matter to me.
Fear of snakes and wild animals was also a personal observation. I’ve noticed in my experience with blacks that they are more sensitive to wild animals. My theory is that they don’t get much exposure to them from living in cities, so they won’t be able to have experiences catching snakes like whites in the suburbs have.
My stereotype for you is you’re an oversensitive champion of civil liberties. You support equality for races and religions, but you don’t really know many people of a different race than you, so you’ve never formed stereotypes because of this. If you spent enough time with people that were different, you would eventually form stereotypes about them. You’d then realize that it’s natural and that some negative stereotypes do apply, but it’s okay because you still like those people and they’re still your friends and that they don’t mind when you point these things out to them because they know you like them and it doesn’t matter to you.