People will always find a way to find a difference in each other. If we were blind we would maybe go by smell or by voice.
There are so many ways to say “you are different” not only “you look different”
If Racism were innate… nevermind. I just realized if we all looked the same then there would be no difference between races (as there will be only one race). Racism would not exist. But yes, prejudice still would.
People will discriminate (although in the form of ingroup favouritism rather than outgroup derogation) on criteria as irrelevant as the toss of a coin, where their group got heads and the other group got tails. Racism itself is probably most usually an instance of ingroup favouritism over all outgroups anyway, though.
Racism is a political term to serve a political end.
All terms to basically describe the same thing; belief that your ring-fenced group in society/the world is better tham another.
Difference is that when we talk of this kind of thing fondly, i.e. Football Team A plays Footbal Team B we dub it pride, or when National Football Team A plays National Football Team B we dub in patriotism.
When someone airs an opinion that looks like it has potential to be construed as un-PC then it is invariably jumped on and slurred as nationalist or racist by opportunist career makers who know the power of a good word used cunningly.
I’m not supporting racism; far from it. My point is that the term racism is oft misused and thrown about in such a reckless and counter-productive manner that you can basically rule out any further sensible correspondence once the term has been flashed about.