Racism question...

do you guys only care about your own race? if someone of another race was hurt or passed away, would you care so much?

Well im not a pyschology expert or anything, but I presume id be more likely to help a person I recognised. If I was surrounded by black people in my life then id probably save the black guy. But if I was surround by whites then id save the white guy.
Nature has no preference, I dont believe we have a natural instinct to save our own race. Because humans are humans no matter what race :unamused: .
Anyway, I dont think you were talking about a choice between saving a white guy and a black guy. If theres no choice then id help whoever asked for help. Simple, obvious answer realy.

humans are humans. we are divided; our greatest weakness!!!
now we can be exploited,screwed BY OURSELVES!!!
and all humans(not all to be fair) think they are all so damn different because of color language.etc. what would you think was differnent if we had sentient animorphic or alien species on earth as well?
i dont like that whole"humans only unite under a superior threat to themselves" bullshit.

Dear PhilosophyGirl,

Please let me refer you to the rules and guidelines of ILP, specifically…

[i]ii) Asking questions.

Clearly questions are a large part of philosophy and we welcome thought-provoking questions and genuine calls for opinions and perspective on philosophical issues. However, being part of a community means a bit of give and take. Share your ideas on the topics you bring up and don’t just blindly post questions because you feel you should or you think it’ll make you look clever. A consistent career of one-liner questions will not be looked upon kindly. [/i]

If you would like to discuss the issue of racism and race please have a look at the numerous threads on race that are currently going on. If you have something in particular you want to discuss may I suggest inputting your own views on the matter, fleshing your posts out to something more than a couple of questions, and repost them in the Philosophy forum where they are more appropriate.

