Rage boy, muslims, and media


So, does the media play into the hands of the Left? The Right? Or do they follow their own agenda – to increase the number of people watching their show?

Okay, that’s a rhetorical question. But before we run to the banner, whichever one you want: “They want to kill us” “They hate us for our freedoms” “They are victims of Imperialism” “We should be more sensitive” etc. ad nauseum, doesn’t it pay to entertain the idea that we are being manipulated? Why do we, like an Orwellian prole or a Pavlovian dog, jump to believing, not everything we read and see, but what we want to believe?

When someone reads, I don’t know,The Daily Worker, at least we know it’s a joke.

Why do so few people step back?

Perhaps, the biggest example of this was the shootings in Virginia. Everybody jumped on that, used a tragedy, to push their own agenda.

(Actually, what really got my goat was that they attacked one of the best Korean movies ever made, “Old Boy”.)

See, I do it myself.