… ol-agents/
good for bush…
Those two guys were imprisoned for shooting a drug runner.
Two completely parasitic civil servants just doing their worthless jobs wasting more taxes killed a guy who was doing absolutely nothing wrong. Great! Protect and serve!
Actually, if you look further you see the real evidence.
First of all, they didn’t report the shooting and then
they tampered with evidence by removing several spent
casing shells. That alone justifies their conviction.
If they are so innocent, why didn’t they report the shooting
or why did they remove evidence? Clearly there is more here
than meets the eye than a simple self defense charge.
Tampering with evidence is a crime in any situation where
you have a shooting even in self-defense.
Personally Imp, I think they should have gotten a pardon because the same fellow they tried to stop went right back to drug traficking across the border again.
Who cares about drug trafficking???
Reasonable, common sense people do.
there’s a fine line between common sense and knee-jerkery
I’ve had the reflexes checked in my knees and they’re doing just fine.
Hey, C’mon- a good cover-up is all good fun…especially if the vic is just some Spic illegal.
Or that’s the prevailing opinion, no? If it was a “good shooting” why pick up the shell casings? Why lie?
Oh, yeah…that’s what Perps do…