Rationalists vs. Synchronicity

“Jung described extraordinary events that occurred in his psychotherapeutic practice that fell into these categories.”

Yes and the unreported #3 , is like an prophetic expectation of things hypothetically will most probably happen, as his subsequent work fold out toward a new trio of analysis, #4, #5, and #6, the "6 of which will morph into a newer yet, #7, #8 & # 9.

In other words, each part will conceivably break down into subsequent triads.

There is then a new configuration consisting in more and more synaptic cross ‘polinizaton’ where the hypothetical will adhere to more certainty

The ‘third circuit’ will for most practical purposes will deconstruct the last inditerminate variable into indiscernible units of measure.

Jung will ultimately be acknowledged, when #10, 11, &#12 complete the total resistence to patterns that invariably recur.

Just off the wall.

Until then, Ayer, Skinner , Ryle & Co. rules with an iron fist.

Elementary dear Watson

Or, not so :

As in a Freudian split with Jung ; if in fact that is an element, over magic and magical thinking.

Or was the split just over thinking? Or over overthinking?

probably beyond it. as evident by a more or less specific split between the good and evil discrepency, reduced all the way toward the redemptive effort to restrain an angry god from forcing an answer.

The answer to the most existential questions imaginable that children use to get back at their parents, by pushing them to The Wall.

Why did you create me in the first place?

Can You over think that, or, are we to acquiesce to speak, do or hear no evil?

All of that has to do with the currently , even now!, asked philosophical question : whether thought written or not is a ‘thing’, as much as all other descriptions are: and if not, or if they are, what relationship exists between them, ?

That relationship may factor in the ‘is-ought’ controversies as well as defining the mass movements’ tangency and borderING situations, whereby a lot of effects are determined .