Real Liberation & Salvation

Real Liberation & Salvation

This physical world, which consists of the inert objects like Sun, Moon, Stars
Air, Earth etc., is not the world, which is binding you and this is not
The world from which you have to attain the liberation or salvation
If you get salvation from this physical world it is called the death

Death is not the salvation since even after death you are bound by the bonds
The bonds are not with the physical world but they are with your family members
It is this family that constitutes your entire world from which you must be salvated

The physical world is real and it is unreal for the creator only and not for you
You are a part and parcel of this world and if you say that this world is unreal
You too become unreal, your unreal world is your own family, which is created
By yourself only and why this is unreal?

If you analyse, these bonds did not exist
Before this birth and do not exist after this birth and hence are not existing
During this birth also, Sankara told that temporary is always unreal
Therefore, Gita emphasizes for the detachment from these worldly bonds

Jesus goes one step further and advises you even to hate these family bonds
This is surprising but if you analyse, I should say, He is absolutely correct
If you analyse deeply, these family members deserve your hatred and not love
The reason is that these family members were very vehement enemies to you
In the previous birth you stole their hard earned property and fought with them
Now they have come to collect their wealth from you along with the
Compound interest, they are in the form of wife and children and you are bound

To pay them according to the force of Karma Chakra i.e., associated with Kala Chakra
Payment of loans is Karma Chakra and payment in this birth is Kala Chakra
The same is said “Runanubandha Rupena Pasu Patni Sutalayaah”
The three strongest bonds are with money, wife and children and these three
Are called as “Eeshanaas”, which are the stainless steel chains, which never
Corrode, the secret in the force of these three bonds is only the force of Karma
The Karma is the payment of the loans with interest and for that you have to earn
Therefore, you are forced by Karma to earn the money and that is the spontaneous
Attraction to the money, the Karma is dragging you to earn the money so that
You can pay to your enemies who are surrounding you for the collection of loans

Thus these three bonds are inter related and amalgamated by the force of Karma
These enemies are in the mask of friendship and love with you and you do not
Remember your previous birth, which is again due to the force of karma only
If you remember the previous birth and that enmity you will not repay the loan
Therefore, by the force of Karma Chakra only you do not remember previous birth
These enemies can collect their money only under the mask of love and friendship

These enemies are collecting their money in the form of work and also money
The mother repays the loan by doing work like bathing and clothing the children
Such sacrifice of work by the mother is coming under Karma Sanyasa
The father repays the money by giving his hard earned property to the children
And this repayment of direct wealth comes under Karma Phala Tyaga.

But these enemies are not satisfied with simple repayment of their loans
If a thief steals your money and if you catch him will you leave him
Just by taking your money? You will torture him and then only leave
Similarly, you have stolen their property and you tortured them
Therefore, they have caught the thief in this birth and collect their money
Apart from that they will torture you by dragging you down from the Lord

If you progress in your spiritual path and reach and please the Lord
You are saved permanently and attain eternal happiness here and there
Now these enemies obstruct your spiritual path and drag you back
From that Eternal divine benefit and due to that you will fall in this world-cycle
In this cycle, which is the permanent hell, you are tortured forever
By this, their vengeance is subsided and they stand around you even
In your last minutes so that you will be attracted by them then also

And you will not remember the Lord even in the last minute
This is the reason why all your family members reach you even before your death
They reach you when they hear that you are seriously ill, they are very alert
But you fool! You are not alert about them and remember them only even on the
Death bed! Is your this world not really unreal? You analyse the fact

I say this family world is the most unreal world because these bonds are not only
Unreal according to the analysis of Sankara, but also they are the bonds
Of enmity and so must be hated according to the Holy Jesus
You are thinking the enemy as your friend! How unreal is this bond?
First you come out of this unreal world created by you due to your past deeds

People say often that the world is unreal, yes! It is absolutely unreal
But the world is not this physical world created by the Lord
The unreal world is your family created by yourself due to your past karma

Similarly, your religion is another broader unreal world created by you
Your fellow religious people obstruct you from entering Universal spirituality
Because they are your enemies in the mask of friendship in this birth
You harmed them spiritually in the previous birth and therefore they have come
Now here as your friends belonging to the same religion and revenge upon you
When you come out of these two worlds, which are well and river
You will enter the Universal Spirituality, which is the infinite ocean

If a material form is set through a meat-grinder and poured out into the literal oceans of physical water, they also become one with nature, and they become one with a universal sort of element/force.

The same can happen spiritually. A n00b’s soul thinks it has found “God”, comes close to the angler’s horn, and then the “God” eats him, getting a little more energy and knowledge, etc.

I don’t mean to sound harsh, but I’d like to say: no matter what anything does, it’s going to eventually become part of something else, no matter whether that transition is pleasurable or painful.

“Salvation” is a silly idea…
Power and pleasure are atleast possible.

I’m willing to talk to you about this, but really, what is the natural purpose of happiness? What is the natural purpose of pain? Aren’t they to do with self-preservation and power?

If you were given eternal happiness, the original purpose of food, sex, learning, exercise and victory would be dissolved, in favor of the stronger and more lazy form of pleasure which is much like a tube and some heroin, hooked near a life-support-system.

If you want to find a “God” which can give you eternal happiness, spiritually, that’s possable, and if you really try hard for that, it’s going to happen, but it’s basically going to be allot like The Matrix. Your soul will get plugged into “heaven”, will get fed pleasure and fantasy, as it produces small amounts of energy and material which feed The Matrix.

I’m not joking. I’m serious. This has happened to allot of human souls. Many humans are dumb animals, just like the rest, they aren’t quick or smart enough to survive forever in the other realms. Eventually they get caught like a fish.

Life’s a two edged sword and a two-way street.
You’re not exactly Einstien here.
You’re a kid who’s trying to work out a master plot of existentialism, even though you’re not smart enough yet to really understand or feel the subtle and nearly infinite parts of natural-order.

I have my passed-life memories. I got them back via spiritual evolution. No law erased these memories. The memories just changed form after death, and were left somewhere in the universe, half-dissolved, and still quantum-connected to my core.

I think you might be a member of a cult, too, because you sure act like it. Cults have that kind of nihilism, it’s like “This is not really this”, etc., antil the only one left that you can trust is the wacked out ideological codes.

C’mon mang, be like the rest of the animals, and trust your own instincts the most. This is sophistry, all of this craziness.

“Temporary things are not real” is like a fallacy built upon a fallacy.

First of all, the substance which something is made of, is not temporary. It is eternal invincible energy. Next, both temporary forms and eternal elements are useful concepts which help the mind to think about and relate to the universe.

That’s the problem with Yin Domesticated Omnivores,
your idealisms are SO atavistic!
Defeat? Submission? Suppression? Control? Freedom? Peace?

Life itself is active, not passive.
Creative, immoral, curious, proud aggression ← this is the path to greater libery, greater power and greater pleasure.

Your views here, sound to me like Nihilism, and the will-to-death, hidden in a case of metaphysics.