I was browsing some interesting links the other day and came upon this: metatech.org/Art%20Bell%20Ar … 20Call.mp3
It’s a call to Art Bell from a man who claims to be a former Area 51 employee, and has some…interesting things to say, sounds basically like something right out of the X-Files.
He talks of the goverments’ involvement with aliens who are really extra-dimensional beings, and about 30 seconds into the talk, the viewers lose contact with the radio station. Something caused the satalite broadcasting to veer off course and lose contact with Earth! And we lose the broadcast of most of the conversation Art has with him.
What do you guys think, real or fake? For any of you’ve taken acting lessons, do you think his voice sounds legitimate?
Here’s a link with some information about the event: metatech.org/Art_Bell_Area_5 … _tape.html
Just thought I’d share it with you guys, something cool to talk about for awhile (conspiracy theories and supernatural events are always fun conversations).