Reason for suicides in society

Reason for suicides in society

Smt. Uma Ramanath asked for the reason of Suicides in the society.

Swami told like this:

I have already explained the main reason for suicide in My divine knowledge. The main reason for suicide is lack of divine knowledge. By divine knowledge one can realize that the main aim of the human life is to achieve the grace of God by pleasing Him and not to achieve the useless grace of any co-human being by pleasing it and not to please one’s own self because such pleasure is not only temporary but also is found illusory on analysis. I gave the example of a student in a college. The academic progress is the main goal. The games are only secondary arranged for a brief change.

Similarly all the worldly affairs are only secondary activities arranged by God for a brief change from the main spiritual activity. The illusion of Maya by which, one feels the forms of matter and the qualities of awareness are real. The problems coming up based on such illusion lead to suicide. A person commits suicide for not getting a job. A farmer commits suicide when crop fails. A person commits suicide due to heavy loans. All these cases are due to lack of divine knowledge, since they do not realize the main goal of human life. They also do not realize that if they believe in God fully and worship Him, such problems will be miraculously solved. God will certainly answer even for your prayers once or twice so that you will follow the spiritual path after experiencing the existence of God and His power. However, you should not make this as the continuous businesses.

When the problems are solved, the person is becoming proud in happiness and the two eyes climb the head. After getting job, one feels that he is a big officer controlling the entire world! After clearance of loans and after getting riches, one feels that he is the owner of this entire universe! After receiving good crop, the farmer is indulged in politics and group rivalry feeling himself as the greatest leader! I still remember, in the olden days in My village, the farmers after receiving good crops were indulged in doing Bhajans etc. Similarly a boy or a girl failing in love commits suicide due to lack of the main aim of the life. He or she does not know that the beauty is only an unreal design of matter and energy. If matter and energy are separated which are the real entities, the love vanishes! When the entire world becomes one family irrespective of caste, religion, nationality etc., people will help each other in solving the problems. The best and real worship is to help a devotee suffering with a specific problem.

Trying to solve that problem within the limits of your capacity is the best worship. To stress this aspect only, God was pleased to receive the required service in specific problem. When Rama lost Sita and was searching for her, your worship to the Lord should be in line of search for Sita. He will be pleased by such worship. What is the use of putting flowers on Him, feeding Him with sweets etc., when He is worried for Sita? Worship means the service which you can do to the Lord in human form to please Him in His specific problem. By this the Lord indicates that you should help all the devotees in their specific problems. Such mutual help is the real worship and this is the main aim of the Lord. Such divine society is the fruit of the divine knowledge from the Lord.

You should be careful about the egoism that may enter your brain after doing the help. You should say that your help is due to the power of God only. When you say this, you should be sincere from the bottom of your heart because it is the actual reality. By such statement, the other person should feel that he should also get the favour from the Lord through divine service to Him. Then he will also do the same service to other devotees. Such a divine society consisting of the entire population of the world is the dream of My divine knowledge. Such mutual help integrated with divine knowledge can certainly eliminate suicides.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony
Universal Spirituality for World Peace

Life is shit for a lot of people. That’s why they kill themselves.


This human life is very rare. Next human birth is still rare. The ignorance of real aim of the life leads to thoughts of suicide due to tensions created in this unreal drama. Will any body kill himself or herself really on the stage while acting a drama? Is he or she not a fool? Is he or she not mad? Suppose a student is defeated in cricket game and commits suicide. Is he or she not mad? Suppose a student is defeated in cricket game and commits suicide. Is he not a fool? The game itself is a side activity meant for a change. This worldly life is just a side activity and one should not get even tension in this worldly life, not to speak of suicide!

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony
Universal Spirituality for World Peace

There are many causes of suicide.

In all cases there is pain, and in most cases depression.

The pain can be neuropsychological (mostly) or just physical (like the pain of cancer or war injuries).

To phrase an irrational act as rationally as possible merely for presentation sake, the person commiting suicide experiences pain, despair, whatever, beyond what they think is their tolerance, they think they have exausted their relief options, and they see suicide as their only remaining remedy.

Though cultishly focusing on a religion’s definition of “God” to codependently please that image may work for some, it does not work for most, and it usually ultimately eventually fails those for whom it temporarily worked.

That’s because, ultimately, the pain isn’t felt by that mental image of some religion’s “God”, it is felt by the person suffering it, and that mental image cannot take away the pain. Hiding in one’s mind from the pain in one’s soul is ultimately futile.

The initial post in this thread said that trying to please others isn’t a way to peace, implying it is a way to pain. Indeed, there is much truth in that.

But the inital post in this thread said that trying to please one’s self isn’t a way to peace, implying it is a way to pain. That is absolutely false.

Indeed, most depression comes from disappointment linked to the “other” when one is so busy trying to please others that the always eventually failed attempt to do so is reflected back on the pleaser as low self-worth while in the process of attempting to please the other one looses one’s self more and more until one doesn’t have a clue who one is. That’s a scenario for disaster.

Other than injury or physical illness pain, the greatest amount of suicides can be prevented simply by leaving the pleasing of others, leaving the drugs, leaving the process addictions (which includes religion!) and seeking the help of a healthcare professional to deal with the neuropsychology origin of the the pain whether or not that pain is consciously felt.

Once the pain begins to diminish, the compulsion to suicide will also begin to diminish.

As one takes their own and unique journey, not focused on trying to please others of any kind, not focused on trying to defy others of any kind, making it only about one’s own self-discovery and the beautiful one and only life each of us will ever have, the compulsion to suicide is left further and further in the past.

That’s what the real God wants: for us to live our own life in our own way, taking good care of our self first, not trying to please other “drugs”, and simply working and playing well with others.

We have no right to take our own life. This human life is very precious, and in the next life, human birth is not gaurenteed. Lord has given us this human life for a very important thing, it is to realise Him, by serving Him in His mission of divine knowledge propagation. All other activities in this world are only a side activity in this respect. We should not get enganlged in the side activity. It is like enjoing a game, while keeping our eye on the main aim. Main aim is to please Lord, through selfless service.

But, unfortunately people have mis understood the side activity as the main activity and are entangled in those, with out even having time to think about God. Remember that in this temporary world all our family relations are temporary only. One day or the other these relations will vanish.

One should be very cautious not to over indulge in these family bonds. Only thing is that, one should do his repsonsibility to them without any mental attachment and should divert most of his time in meeting the main aim of life which is pleasing the Lord.

Lord comes in every human generaiton in human form for uplifting the souls of this world. He is known as human incarnation. This is the only way to please Lord. The unimaginable Lord has taken human form and move in this generation for the propgation of divine knowledge. Pleasing Him is by participating in the mission.

He gives divine knowledge without any partiality to every body alike. Shall we use this golden opportunity to directly involve in His service? Why should one loose his precious life which is very very rare to obtain, by silly suicide? Is it not the high time that we should reduce our side activity and channelise it towards God?

I’m talking about the real world, man. But, if you want to get hypothetical, I’ll get hypothetical. If you are locked in a cage, and tortured daily with a hot iron, fed enough to sustain your life, and kept alive enough just so you can be continuously tortured evey day, and this has been your life for 20, 30, or 40 years, and there are children being trained to take over the roles of the torturers, so they can continue to torture you for another 40 years and there is a certainty that you will suffer and never feel joy for 40 years, or until you die, a certainty like the certainty you have about your beliefs, then suicide is wise. Suicide saves onself in this case from a lifetime of agony.

Suicide is not the end of the story you have to face the enquiry in the upperworld