The unpopularity of the Bush Administration and Republicans generally is driving voters to the Democrats and making a Democrat victory in 2008 very likely. Normally I’d be happy, but as things are unfolding, the Democrat who’s likely to benefit from Republican unpopularity is a person I’ve loathed for 15 years – Hillary Clinton. I am a liberal Democrat but I’d rather see any one of several Republicans in the field win rather than Hillary Clinton. And I’m far from confident that Giulliani, Thompson, Romney or McCain would defeat the stage-managed, carefully portrayed Clinton that’s dominating the Democrat field.
Enough voters seem to have forgotten that Clinton was a congenital liar who helped her slimey but capable husband mislead the country on one piece of dirt after another. This newly packaged Hillary is coming across as above all sincere. The Hillary I am familiar with was a hypocrite who disguised her arrogance and burning ambition under a cloak of moral sanctimony. People are buying her now as the genuine article. And the damn thing is that her opponents are playing her with kid gloves. Will the eventual Republican candidate be able to play hardball without seeming unchivalrous?
Hillary Clinton above all worships herself. This goes beyond healthy ambition. She is a narcissist, constantly driven to prove herself exceptional, and this showed itself in her overkill with the healthcare bill in 1993-94. If that is a sign of the president she would make, I’ll tolerate 4 more years of Republican rule. But who can stop this madeover cauldron of anger and ambition?
None of the Democrats are to my liking. The republicans are horrible, exept for Ron Paul (imo). He’s definately the most level-headed out of all cannidates. He actually applies critical thinking to the issues in discussion.
I like Ron Paul too, but he doesn’t have a chance. We need someone who can stop Hillary Clinton. If it’s time for a woman it’s not time for a shrew. There’s half a dosen women in the Senate and House I’d be happy with. But not this woman.
Whats worse, hillary would mean that two families have controlled the white house for more than 2 decades straight. As for other candidates, the only two I think would actually be good for the country are Obama and McCain. Their policies are radically different from each other, but the two have the drive to get something done, one way or the other. The rest just seem to be your average pussy-footing politicians.
I couldn’t agree more about Hillary Clinton. Though Fred Thompson has ever chance of winning the election and beating her. She is not as popular as everyone seems to think she is. The hype will die down and everyone will see that, it is just Bill Clinton taking a another run for presidency. No one wants him back in the White House or someone who will govern America like him. She should have showed her independence and left him when she had a reason. It is all to obvious she hasn’t divorced him so she can take a bid for the White House off of his democratic popularity. She wouldn’t be half way where she is if it wasn’t for him. The only reason anyone knows about her is because she is married to him. Hillary is using him for presidency and Bill is using her to govern her presidency. And they are both using the American people. Vote for Fred Thompson and end it. Or petition for George Bush to return for a third term as President!
Ron Paul is my favorite of the candidates as well. He seems like a long shot, but more people than expected are turning to him. I disagree slightly with Paul on the urgent removal of troops from Iraq and his environmental policies, but other than that he’s perfect.
What I think needs to happen is that Thompson win this election, and Paul run again(if he’s still alive) next election. Thompson is a militarily stronger president, and with Puten dissolving the russian government and setting up a dictatorship, I think thats what we need.
On that subject… Do you think Russia poses a major threat to us in the near future? Puten and Clinton… “progressive” takeover of the world, possible?
The GOP has to be expedient and nominate the candidate with the best chance of beating Cliknton. I can’t see Obama catching her now. He has waited too long to engage her where she’s vulnernable. The best hope for the Republicans is Guiliani. Thompson seems too removed from events and isn’t connecting, and Romney has the “Mormon” problem to deal with. The GOP needs a dirty fighter who will bring out Clinton’s dirty laundry and expose her vulnerabilities. I’m a Democrat but I can’t tolerate the prospect of the narcissistic, repackaged phoney being in the Oval Office for 4-8 years.
That, in a nutshell, is exactly why we’re getting Hillary Clinton.
And that’s why we got George Bush for 8 years instead of 4.
Use your heads, people, quit voting for who you think is going to win and vote for the person who should win. You’re the reason the whole process is messed up in the first place.
I’m so tired of the last 8 years, I don’t care if I see Kermit in the White House, as long as I don’t have to see that idiot Bush and his evil gang anymore.
But as the symptoms of PTSD lessen, I’ll rally behind Hillary. Right now I’m still a hope-filled (but sure to be disappointed) Gore supporter.
I too have been hoping against hope that Al Gore would claim what’s rightfully his and seize the Dem nomination. It’s still his for the taking now that he’s revealed himself as the philosopher prince he always was and the most qualified person ever to seek the presidency. But it’s getting latge in the day and he hasn’t moved, so it appears likely the nominee will be Clinton.
I have a personal animus against her, as do many voters, and it will be an exciting race if Guiliani gets the GOP nomination. But I agree it will be an immeasurable improvement over the current idiot-in-chief, even if I have to tolerate that abrasive, self-worshipping shrew for 4-8 years. And we do get Bubba in the package.
lying socialist tyrants want to control the freedoms of the citizens under the auspices of “health care,” but enough americans cherish their freedom to prevent the left wing dictators from assumng control…
Ron Paul is a deplorable reactionary. Going back to a quaint paleoconservative society of enforced morals and repressed sexuality isn’t particularly my idea of ‘progress’.
Of the candidates now in the running, not one is particularly suitable to the office of the Presidency. Obama would have been interesting, but he doesn’t have a shot. Giuliani is a sociopath, and the rest are either paleoconservatives reacting against the neocon hegemony of the Republican Party (trading imperialism in for general backwardsness and trying to appeal to a youthful base of ‘lol tehz libertarians’) or welfare-socialists without the gumption to try something genuinely socialistic.
And wile I hate to say this, Impetinent, there will be no Revolution. Not for a very long while, and certainly not headed by a gang of gun-toting rednecks. Your sort has never been the sort to revolt against the established order; your only use comes in attacking those who would genuinely do away with it (such as, for instance, the Freikorps, made up of the rednecks of Germany).