smeop hide in the stars so bright
willing to burst after billions of years of light
meops hide in the spaces between books
the distance between one idea and looks
eopsm hide in the weightlessness and atrocity
of a depressed skydiver at this velocity
opsme hide inside the bowler hats of the cornermen
humble and merry like the kings of men
psmeo hide in the kingdom hearts
where light and darkness switch parts
spoem hide in the colour of her hair
vivid and tenacious like a dragon in its lair
mspoe hide in an unplottable castle in scotland
where “nitwit odment blubber tweak” are often
emspo hide in the dna of that sheep dolly
the first of all to live twice (such folly)
oemsp hide where the wild things are
untame both near and far
and poems hide in the recesses of my mind
dormant, stagnant, which i am unable to find.
thank you.