Hello SilentS:
— What use is thinking if we sit on our butts in front of a computer screen and type silly quotes read from ancient philosophical texts and make witty thoughts and phrases concerning them?
O- If nothing else, it is a better alternative than watching MTV or standing in line waiting for the next Play Station to come out. Besides, typing quotes from ancient texts coherently and making remarks about them that are interpreted as “witty” is not as easy as some might suppose. I value a site like this because philosophy is a needed tool for critical thinking, something very much needed in an era of rampant spin on issues that affect us all.
— What use is repeatedly going over ideas that have been brought up for centuries when they aren’t being processed within terms of a real life situation?
O- Philosophy is like a tiguer, once found in his jungle, with claws and jaws of death. Now he is in chains declawed and defanged. What I mean by this is that many fields that still deal with real life, physics, theoretical science, psychology, sociology etc, etc, were once the play groun of philosophers. In another era, Einstein himself would not have blinked to call his theory a “Philosophy”, and Freud has a legacy in both psychoanalysis and philosophy; yet, in my opinion, he was a philosopher. If Platos and Aristotles are not found anymore it is because the rise of lasting banks of knowlege have multiplied the field in view in such a way that there aren’t many who can survey the entire field as they once did. Their enormity is relative to the point of history in which they come.
— I guess my question is, what does philosophy have to do with your everyday life other than consume your time in front of a computer or inside a book?
O- When you wish to form an opinion on abortion, you rely, consciously or not, correctly or not, in some practices of philosophy. If you have an opinion on the issue of Medicare, you again employ some philosophy. War, Stem cell, Art… if you discuss these issues, you’re probably going to touch on some points already visited by some philosopher. Granted, we have an enourmous amount of prejudice, but philosophy is about moving from a prejudice to a judgement. It is doing justice to the issues before us (notice that many philosophers were initially intended to be lawyers). If it is important that we hear all the evidence in the trial of an individual, how much important is it when we put on trial our culture?
— Could you possibly be over-analyzing the world and not actually doing anything worthwhile?
O- Only if you forget what is it that you’re really doing. We may question, in philosophy, the existence of a world outside of us and wonder if we are not just brain-in-vats; or we may wonder if we can tell what really outside of us, if the truck coming our way is anything but a creation of my imagination or if we are justified in believing the logical fallacy that because we have seen other die when run over by a truck that the same will now happen in our case-- That’s philosophy! But as Hume said, before being a philosopher first be a man…paraphrased.
— Philosophers used to be inventors and masterminds. What happened?
O- Knowledge increased and was retained better and as a consequence the former field of pure philosophy was made into smaller sections of expertise. Once, the Academy was but a Stoa, now a Campus cannot be, in some cases, explored on foot.