Reflections on Greed, Corruption, and Immorality

Years ago, in his book CRITICAL PATH, Bucky Fuller proposed a backing of the currency, which I believe would work if tried.

He suggested that the dollar be backed by World Productivity.
For the life of me, I can’t see what’s wrong with that if there were an agreed-upon, reasonable way to measure global productivity. In the USA the Labor Department keeps statistics of American productivity, and so does the Federal Reserve Board track it also. We know that in certain respects China is today very productive with regard to computers, robotics. They exceed the USA in the application of these, as well as in the use of alternative clean energy. Japan is more advanced that the USA in robotics; and Germany is way ahead in utilizing green, clean energy (solar, wind, geothermal, wave power.)

The beauty of basing our currency on productivity is that the value of the currency will tend to go up, since world productivity is constantly rising - thus our money would become more valuable as time goes on :exclamation: Today, with inflation running amok, money erodes in value. [The Federal Reserve Banks engaged in what they euphemistically called ‘Quantitative Easing’ which was the printing of money with no wealth or labor behind it to back it up. That is the very definition of “inflation.”]


You hopefully know that your so-called “Federal Reserve Bank” is a private bank, althought it is also called the national central bank, which is normally not private but statist, thus public. So “your” Federal Reserve Bank does not represent the interests of your nation.

The entire purpose of money is not to create a strong, healthy economy, but a powerful, wealthy monarchy.

This is basically true.


I don’t think so. I do think that it would also depend on what the bribe is for. At the very least, it’s an unethical and unfair practice.
For instance, if a bribe is offered to “overlook” faulty material and work, and taken, someone may at some point pay for that action with their life. That is also illegal. If the building comes crumbling down countless lives could be destroyed.
Giving a waiter a tip even beforehand is nothing of the same. It may be a bit manipulative, who knows, maybe just a bit of practical wisdom there, lol, but it might also ensure better service, which the tipper has coming to him anyway.

So in other words, a person putting away money in a bank “for a rainy day” having some practical wisdom - that’s based on the greed hormone?

We were talking about greed, not wise savings. Get out of here with that.

You can’t associate a squirrel burying its nuts to a person putting money in the bank for a rainy day?
If a squirrel eats those nuts all in onedway, there may be a day when there aren’t many nuts available. What then?
Both the squirrels and ourselves have to learn to be like the “wise virgins” in the bible. Practical wisdom.

Yes, or a monopoly, namely the monopoly of one of the super-organisms (super-organisations / super-corporations).