Reincarnation can be scientificaly proven/disproven

ok… if thought is a product of mass/energy composition then given that time does not end and that the amount of mass in the universe is finite then we have that any combination of mass/energy will reoccur at some point in time. there is more to it then that but we’ll see where it goes from that assertion…

Okay, but first. Can we prove that the universe is finite, and therefore “the amount of mass” in the universe is finite?

Why do you want to be reincarnated? You’re basing this on scientific principals to begin with, so you already know that nothing can be destroyed, only changed. People would argue, that that is meaningless, certainly, the idea doesn’t give me any comfort, but it’s logic is sound.

here’s the thing if it is not finite it is then guaranteed that any formation exists elsewhere in which case the same formation that produces your current consciousness exists elsewhere yet you are not that being so then we could conclude that consciousness is something else other then the result of mass/energy movement/combination… and it would still hold that given an infinite amount of time and mass that at some time a particular formation would reform…

didn’t say that i want to be reincarnated… but i guess i do, probably so that i can do particular things, specifically aid those that are not content to become such…

If someone is actually able to convince himself of things like this, more power to him. But what of “I”? What are the odds of coming back as that?

Or going forward.

Seems to me that creation is one of the functions of the universe … so … Yes …

iambiguous, are you proposing the same problem as stuartp

 Khrishnamurti downplays reincarnation, but my take on it is the following:  there are 2 doors of preception.  One is the traditional Hindu belief in reincarnation, which looks at the ego in the sense of the historical, strict tradition of the caste system, where changing castes is almost nearly impossible.

The newer view’s social/ego definition is not quite so static. Now either you define the ego in terms of social dynamics, or societal change because of definitional changes, either way the change is toward a more fluid apprehensions of the ego. If, however the sense of self is strictly defined in this life, it’s “postscription” presumely carrying over death door intact, the self-will retain its identity as correlation in it’s pre-death configuration. And the same may be true (and I am convinced of it) with relaxed, fluid, apprehensions. Identities strictly defined as members of strict definition- may also carry over as a certain kind of post scripted energy filed or whatever.

 Wisdom filtering down through the ages all have a similar message: you have to die here and now to be able to live in eternity.  I fearing this here and now death, is the key, but the cost is very high: giving up everything, even the conceptions that make a Zen like idea of Sartori possible.  This seems to be the most likely way consciousness operates, and this is where the transcendental idealism has always played the role.  What do you think?

 One way would be is to explore some scientific basis to the idea of consciousness as energy fields within an open~closed system, as relating to the idea of parallel universes.

I do find the idea of reincarnation moderately plausible.

I find the idea of eternal nothingness equally plausible.

My hope is that the spirit/soul/godhead/whatever is in fact eternal and this “trip” as “this guy” was just something “I” threw together to teach “me” a lesson about something (or maybe it’s way more complex than this, and I’m actually here to teach someone else a lesson, who knows?) and I’ll be reminded of what that is when I “get back”; I’ll say, “Wow, yeah, that was fucking awesome,” or maybe “Fuck, I botched that shit again!” and then go about the process of deciding where and when I want my next birthplace/manifestation to occur, or however it might work.

My hunch is that upon death we get what amounts to a massive DMT trip, then get the big, black eternal nothingness.

Nothing would really surprise me.

 Abstract:  the scenario you describe may be the example of a closed system, where einstein's theory may be another constraint of diluting a closed universe. It's possible that the sum total in an open system has no meaning whatsoever.  In that sense even this relative notion has no "existence". The "existence" of an open system may be akin to an "existential leap". Where the idea of repetition , reincarnation is let go, but knowing well, that "consciousness" itself is through which from which, and into witch, the leap is made.

I tend to think that that data is archived within the soul the thing is un archiving it and then seeing your past… the soul is eternal but there are some of us who are older and some younger only in that as we go along we move up and down we age only to become children again…

  You mean something like past life regression?

never heard that term…

That’s not reincarnation, that would be recurrance. And yes, some scientists believe either that this is the case or that it is possible or likely.

Reincarnation would include the past self affecting the future self, the future self being a continuation in some way. Recurrance is another separate instance of a being existing.

If you want the scientific proof of reincarnations, you will have to find the studies and the records of things. But this is the internet. So if you are good at finding things, you can read them directly from their source. I have read about some things. For example, a child will remember a previous life, and recount the names of the members of that family, and where it was located. Then they find out that such a family actually existed, down to the letter. Such a thing can’t be random chance. I think if people truly care about the subject, they will read allot about it. Depends how much you care.

You don’t need to read much about it if you already know it is the truth -_-