
does anyone else find this concept intriguing? im not sure if i believe in it (i wouldnt dismiss it) but its an interesting idea. not a bad idea i think. from my understanding, belief in reincarnation is dependent on the belief in soulsi do believe in souls but enough about me. i wanna hear what you guys think.

My version of it, is that we are allowed a choice of souls/people to become in the period inbetween life and death. If a man leads a hard life, then he chose to lead a hard life for some reason. If a man is handicapped the premis is that the he chose that life for some reason. Perhaps we use life to teach the soul, a supposed imortal thing lessons. such as humility.

Thats my stab at it.

my contribution on this subject would be that: blessed with an ability to think, our thoughts could be in agreement with others on reincarnation, or of a different perspective.
that if would could (if we wanted to ) believe in reincarnation without even ness. believing in souls as such.

ok we would have to argue in some other way of how this could be achieved, but nevertheless, we could believe what really we want to.

my opinion on this specific topic, is that not even of an existing word to explain, in some way as reincarnation, but in another way as in resurrection, or maybe even something else. havent spent too much time on this subject, but if i was too, i would (if in the mood) try to think as many other variations to the possibilities.

as a pleasantly i post a reply, to contribute, to discuss, to philosophise, is only able if there are those who bother to respond.

miles of smiles

Woody Allen on the prospect of reincarnation: “You mean I’ll have to sit through the Ice Capades again?”

It is something that I believe in. However, alas, much like anything else that is of a spiritual nature it is a matter of faith. Although there is what is called past life regression,but so many say that that is just “cell memory” and blah,blah,blah, that I don’t use it as evidence for anything.

Many cultures believe in reincarnation both mystically and/or religiously. For some of us more suspicious types, it seems possible that it is a clever ruse by mind to preserve ego. Ego isn’t about to let go easily. "I’ must live forever. However, since no one has reported back with any definitive proof, it would probably be prudent to simply say I don’t know. (shrug)

Makes no sense to me, its not like there is a shortage of life, is there?

What purpose is there to rehashing the same old soul in a new body over and over. If you got to keep all you memory then maybe you could progress, but if you don’t then you’d just make the same mistakes over and over. All logic I see points to one shot at life and one shot only, that’s why we have such consequences and volatility, no need for that if you got nine lives, hell I’d just burn through a few for the fun of it.

Concepts like this must be intriguing to almost every facet of academia and religion as it plays into so many various hands. I for one believe that perhaps if there are souls there are a limited number of them. Each must be rehashed through other creatures or humans repeatedly. “Energy can niether be created nor destroyed” is something that comes to my mind as well. Then again I study a fair amount of Eastern works so just maybe I am a bit biased :slight_smile:

What is your definition of a Soul?

My personal definition if it is a real thing would be our very essence; this to me involves our thoughts, motivations, and potential. That is just my feelings toward it.

Not far from my idea.

I give my definition of Soul as the Mind, Emotions and Will. I would also add that the choice mechanism and awareness of life is part of the human mind. I consider us different from the animal kingdom because of this unique quality.

I wonder, HairGuy, did you come here to learn…?

^Once you’ve gone through a fair share of study and antithesis, you’ll most likely come to an accurate understanding of inherent, immaterial mind.

Reincarnation is, of course, a fantasy of the mind, the mind’s way of coping with what it just can’t on its own accept: the reality of our mortality.

Talk is cheap.

Wouldn’t it reveal the ever-protected fact of ni complete ingorance, if one was exposing themselves constantly to that which they did not know, or perhaps, that which they did not even understand?

Faith is the abrogation of reason. Faith in transubstantiation or reincarnanation or what have you…it’s still faith, not reason. No argument for religion can possibly make an argument against logic. It’s just not possible.


You’re god, also.

Your logistics are perfect.

No foolish religious stupidity can match your glorious intellect.

You are the next step in an ever-greater progression of evolution.

They are the old, inferior past ideas. Purely fantasy.

You are relatively the closest thing to perfection that earth has ever known.

Once you can limit what “proof” is, you can completely limit belief. Once you limit belief, and at the same time, call it perfect rightness, you have a powerful mind-control mechanism, which is so self-superior that it will block out and defy anything which does not fit into its paradigm.

“My service is to my Lord. I shall love all that he loves, and shun all that he shuns.”

Instead of all untouchables coming from the devil, the neodogmatic-metaphysicists see untouchables as self-caused insanities, fantasies, etc. Of which, they will quickly hate and denounce.

The intellectuals of America, once liberating themselves from the Church, still were bitter, and they wanted to “win”. They developed a stronger, more self-righteous, more advanced dogma, “fighting fire with fire”, “treating violence with violence”, and using dogma against dogma, lies against lies, bullshit against bullshit.

Tell me, oh brilliant ones. Now that you’ve killed God, you’ve killed a monster, but have you become one yourself!? Look and see, how much self-righteousness and narrow mindedness can you muster in your views of supposed reality?

In the same way that a Catholic priest does not know anything at all about a foreign religion before he judges it as evil, and begins to judge that which he does not understand, you also have read none of the many statistics and documents about hereditary or contracted identity/memory. Instead, you quickly say: “My logic is perfect. This religion is condemned and inferior.”


You’ll destroy your own mental potential, with your intoxication…

You hate that which you do not even understand.
You put your faith far above every religion on earth.
A religion is merely a belief system about morality, ontology and highest truth…

Is that an argument? (If you’re being sarcastic, disregard the rest of this post.)

But given the volume of your response, I’m going to go ahead and assume that you’re not being sarcastic.

You have not given a cogent response to my post. I did not say that faith is bad, or faith is inferior to reason. I said that “faith is the abrogation of reason.” Meaning, one must suspend one’s reasoning capabilities to have faith in something. And now you come at me with a couple of biblical quotes and some straw man arguments.

Come on.

The truth of the obvious reality that reincarnation is a fantasy of the mind is as I have told it. :astonished:

When people’s minds stop religiously suppressing their fear of the reality of their mortality, when they have prerequistely begun to repair from neuropsychological damage inculcated in childhood, they eventually come to see how obvious the truth I tell here is. :sunglasses:

I was lucky enough to come to a belief in re-incarnation over thirty years ago. I was at an age when I was looking for answers. The book which started me on this path was called ‘The Sleeping Prophet’. I can see some of the errors in what Cayce said but the fact, supposedly, that a man was able to describe the symptoms of thousands of people, most of whom he had never met, in a manner sometimes described as ‘Better than I could have described them myself’ would suggest that there is some form of intelligence beyond our everyday comprehension. For those who have never come across Edgar Cayce he had to read the transcript of what he had said after he woke up, from a state of ‘self hypnosis’, and he occasionally spoke in languages he didn’t know and often used tongue-twisting medical terms of which he was completely unaware.

Thirty-odd years of reading, thinking and discussing this, and many related subjects have done nothing to change my basic belief. In this I feel myself to be most fortunate as it gives me a very philosophical attitude in the face of ‘the slings and arrows etc., etc.’.

Near Death Experiences seem to me to support my belief to the extent that those who have had them seem to be completely changed, have no fear of death and are quite content to ignore and dismiss anybody who insists on telling them they are wrong.

Science too has recently provided room for possible mechanisms whereby this basic concept can be correct. String theory has eleven dimensions, of which we are aware of only three and the latest findings in cosmic physics tell us that over 90% of the universe is missing. They have invented ‘Dark Matter’, which they can now, apparently, measure, to fill the gap, but they have not the slightest idea what it might be so there would appear to be plenty of room to fit in you and little me between lives.

OK, re-incarnation is a belief, but then so are a lot of things that are taken as facts in modern life. I, obviously, think I am on the correct lines or I would not have the belief. I also am completely aware that I am, to some degree, wrong in my thinking. There is no way that I can comprehend accurately a four, five or more dimensioned universe, so reality must differ from my limited concepts. Suffice it to say that I shall be happy to discuss the matter with you next time around.

Ofcourse this is a simple phenomenon of information formats.

All life is information.

Your DNA, for example, is information, and it is your life.

Information can be imprinted upon the waveforms of energies, zero point fields, sub-atomic particles, and various plastic aethers on the many planes of existence.

Brainwaves and emotions, are in many ways, electromagnetic and 0scilation-based animations. These – do not require a material body in order to ‘live on’.

These immaterial life formats – may or may not influance a simial matter-body. Reincarnation is not a law of physics, it is simply an option and an occurance. Not all beings reincarnate. Some beings are symbiant or parasitic reincarnaters, jumping bodies either in the middle of life or after the life of a simial.

This is just earth phenomenon, ofcourse. Very small scale, and underdeveloped. There are infinite forms of time, and some higher beings may be “made of” – not mere waveforms or material unisons, but unisons of timelines and timeforms, in a web of mechanics and self-actuation, able to transcend any single timeline, and being far beyond a single vector-cosmos.



This whole cosmos and this single time is very, very tiny, compared to the infinite infinities beyond it. :stuck_out_tongue: Ofcourse these theorists are minimilizing, and are non-psychic, simials, so it’s good that they’ve gotten as far as they did with their ontologies.