Relationships between Schizophrenia and the God

I mean, to a large extent, they already did a great job. like the quantum mechanics etc.

In the meantime, modern psychology is a bulwark against our progression. Schizophrenia is somehow related with manipulations from the God i.e. a supernatural power.

That bulwark may be the thin layer of the opaque. area still left, from the misapprehensoon of social awareness by the intengable resource of hypothetical vestiges.

( that form the earlier inner constructs)

Daniel Paul Schreber :

‘History of my nervous illness’

Especially hiding a cross dressing impulse as a possible defense against homosexuality.( case analized by Freud and others)

Appearent overt religiosity and auditory god to patient hallucinations.

Will this fit in with those mentioned among the founders of religious testaments as mentioned above?

Or , has psychosis become a manifested break that is unique in the modern and post modern years, due to repressive elements? ( ryle- and others in the vienna circle)?

Lack of delusions and hallucinations are on a scizotypal-autistic spectrum, whereas functional personality issues trump genetic signifiers.

Or: the invisible nothingness of god breaks through the bounderies of self induced will to power.

Nothing bars the hypothetical from transcending 'it’s self through the inescapable power of sympathy.

Religions were co-created by both the God and humankind. They have revealed her hidden hands of manipulations over our world.

People are often trapped by the God who preferred to become the invisible manipulator of our world from the very beginning of human history. Don’t be trapped, guys.

This is an honest game for the God: Whether she is going to admit that schizophrenia comes from the abuses of her power to communicate with many of us. The God never plays dice. She played us. She fooled us. Guys, it is time to awake, even though the God is not likely to expose her presence by talking to all of us. Unless the dome day has arrived.

Yes , reactive, but not prepossessing to say that

The dynamic , not being dissimilar, works by the magic of dualism versus the unitary function to balance.

To balance the two, or synthesize it, or, call it what you wil
How ever, the basic mantra appears to be, this:

On one hand the gaps, the lapses are tied to an intentional fast foreward, as if gods wanted to talk to you and assure you that all has occured innumerable times and is memorialized.

The other fork in the road appears quite the opposite, but it is a trick pony, an imposition of a shadow world, objectless, colorless and drab.

At some point one way or the other , a choice is made. If not, the Grey area, the structural complexity works it’s magic.

Schizophrenia is not multiple personality (dissociative identity) disorder y’all.

And if a being is trying to communicate with multiple people like in a hive mind, then it isn’t God. Unless you’re being judged. I wouldn’t put it past mad scientists to figure out how to trigger stuff in the brain to make a person think they were communicating with a hive mind. Or if our spirit is non-local, I’m sure (mad) science would try to figure out a way how to patch in where our spirit and body connect. That is not a thing God wants to happen, but God could use it. Nothing surprises God. You can turn any privation back toward good. The reverse engineers gonna looooove opposite day :wink:

p.s. even if science does figure out a way in, the brain is like a muscle. You work it out by ignoring (or loving as enemy) what you don’t want in it. If your brain is like a bodybuilder’s bicep, you ignore the b.s. at the gate :wink:

Yep, schizophrenia is different from multiple personality.

I have to admit that the God is good at role-playing e.g. angels, demons, ghosts and inner-self etc. The “all-knowing” ability allows the God to know the history of everyone well. Hence, the God could play many roles by recalling our memories. It seems absurd, but the God is “all-knowing”. I just don’t know how. The situation is similar to the super-computers nowadays which could process many information at the same time instantly. How it actually works still remains a mystery.

I insist, “Schizophrenia is the by-product of the manipulations from the God. She abuses the abilities to communicate with us to create various legends. And the God preferred to hide her manipulations behind modern psychology with the aims to become an invisible hand behind our tangible world. Although the God decides our “Destinies”, “Fates” are still in our hands. It is our “Free Will” which allows us to have fates. Hence, the God don’t play dice. She plays with us. She fools us. To a certain extent, humankind are her toys.”

My God would never do that unless jerking a chain that needed to be jerked. If not… I would argue that your God does not actually exist (is a delusion), or is demonic. Whether it is a delusion or demonic you get rid of it the exact same way. Use your brain muscle for good and ignore evil out of it.

Yes but what if THE God is not what He appears but as many gods as there are without falling into the fallacy of pantheism.

What if all those Different Gods are role playing in a kind of shadow play?

And consequently causing the very varience they inadvertently must incorporate into the act of creation?

Tolkein comes off sounding like a Mormon, js. It’s fiction.

Before a drug induced trip a jungian analyst suggested that because of widening gaps due to loss and closing to overlapping bounderies, the situation will become more tenuouslay dangerous, due to the principle adage that people living in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, for obvious reasons and the added danger that like neighbors’ hobbitats might be endangered.

That such conclusion is forgone, or far gone is yet to be determined.

Seemed far out in acid 60’s.

Research was done at UCLA as was the original in Basel & by the military but suspended by numbers of suicides.

Incidentally both Hitler and Wit and Stein attended the same realshule in Linz.

With was said to be typical or effective, and Adolf paranoid.

Einstein was probably on the autistic-typical continuum as so many if the allegedla genetically disunfranchised.

Einstein’s son was a basket case. How is that for-priori intelligence?

it is a misunderstendinv not to split a form from a type, minus the fact that salome’s seventh is danced to a symphony that borders the personality , not the person as Descartes would dance to, even when he certainly could.

A subtle mistake with great differences that sunk beneath all signification very nead the fault line.

No it is most aligned t I the fad of abandonment and the a finality of judgement

Different from dreaming of a dream once imagined than living in that Castle .

Einstein was typically adverse to deal with that final film of thinnest margin, antir knew the proximity to be the film reflected than refracted broken.

His was the stuff brackets are made of, regardless of how you look at it.

It’s is far mire a blessing then not, for the genie will leave in absencia without it.

John Nash & son, too. “It’s a blessing and a curse.” - Monk

It sorely depends on the intentions of the God to speak to you. If it was a punishment, she (the God/the voices) would probably start to role-playing as the ghosts or spirits. If the God wants you to be a priest or pastor, he or she will talk to you as an angel or demon. It all depends on the purposes of the God to talk to you.

The God manipulates our world and decides our destinies by talking to us. These voices were not caused by the imbalance of chemicals inside our brains as the modern psychology has claimed. The God just fooling around with her power to communicate with many of us at the same time. Meanwhile, the abilities of “all-knowing” and “having presence in everywhere”, or I have to say the power of this “omniscient” God, allows her to role-playing almost everything. It includes angels, demons, ghosts, holy spirits and even our “inner-self”. I don’t know how but the God was even capable of reading my minds during getting along with me. The power of this mighty God keeps manipulating or world. The establishment of modern psychology was a mistake. It makes her manipulations of our world become even more difficult to be explained with. It makes me even harder to retaliate upon her manipulations. That is what we shall call the “destinies” of someone. Destinies and fates. Destinies come from the God, fates are still in our hands. It is my “Free Will” who makes me here today complaining the manipulations from the God.

The corollary to the above is this: Belief in gid’s communications go way back into antiquity
The voices people hear when have a long record of written testament that ascribes to madness of hallucinations of religious belief, therefore god induced it.
It’s said in the bible that those that god wants to destroy. he first drives mad.
The off shoot of that proposal is that belief in god is a mad affair , god knows it and approves it.
It’s equally crazy to repress god’s intent to make you believe in him, since such resulting disbelief will lead to reduction of semses, and the experience of the phenomena of god will resemble ancient magical worship and superstitious practiced involving projectively objectified use of the basic logic of exclusion of certain suspicious types .
At first god needs to excircise such using animals, but later the objects will involve sub standard humans like Jews , gypsies, gay people, etcetera.

The nihilistic valley of despair among such primitives will put them down into the very madness god wants to estaclish in future religious rites the world over and such with the intent to make them into money making entities.

However, such craziness is only a guise to make them understand that such nihilistic despair is impassable for most people because they are merely steeple who would follow anyone anywhere, for any cause, as long as they cam be lead to believe in a salvation which can liberate them from the fear of the pain of existence. By offering them a return to the classic age, where peace did not mean piece of a god’s mind, disbursed among many in different ways the means of attaining salvation was uniform , and people were unafraid to openly talk to god in silent ir, outspoken language.
Everyone became very crazy at relidious festivals and orgies of practice became the way of dealing as humanly as possible- oh so humanly , to escape the vicissitudes of the very idea of escape from the possible earthly paradise.

Modern schizophrenia therefore is only an apirehension if a subtle visage in the mind of god, to finally come to balance out the haughty pride with which man thought to invent analyze life , the creation of which, being no human invention and a showcase of crazy philosophers who tried to prove that men became god through such invention by an eternal process with no beginning or emd, where.their ‘invention’ was the eternal god, occurring and reoccurring etternally, by a sleight of hand trick: counter anthropologically , meaning god was created in the fform of man, not the other way around.

But here is the clincher: this trick if one can call it that, is really a very way to inform man of his need to believe in some thing other than himself, to have ‘em come out of the very dark abyss’ from which he has been glued to almost until niw, to pry him loose from this darkness in any conceivable way, even by the most astounding general metaphor that can be understood in reactive forms of metaphor ( so that they will believe). It takes an evil genius to reverse this process and get them going the right way , the right direction, so that they will absolve themselves from all guilt and get them selves out of an anomaly of good and evil.

That is god’s will and it is indefinitely progressing toward more quantum uncertainty, as the brave march toward a new world, a new life with god is coming to frutition, where eve will certainly refrain from plucking it off the forbidden.

The nee age, where crazy people will realize that they can not rationally think about god, unless they envision it first as such

The final battle consists in the battle of souls and the profundity of it a whisk, a subtled soft spoken message the warm breezes of hope carry.

I am just adding a few lines here.

The presence of the God does not necessarily proved the existence of souls. Nobody knows where we will go after death. I still believe that humankind are animals with higher intelligence only. Everyone was born to be, even the God herself! There are no offences. They are simply just some personal beliefs.

I know more or less the same about this manipulator with all of you. The only differences between me and the majority of the people is that I suffered from schizophrenia for more then a decade. For which, I experienced the manipulations of the God and I really resent her wrongdoings. Obviously, the God is not righteous and good all the time. The God has to do dirty works on her own too because she is the only one capable of doing them. She did it in purposes for modifying our world according to her own will. The struggles between the will of the God (I call it “destinies”) and our “Free Will” (I call it “fates”) always end up with tragedies. Those who refused to compromise go mad. At the end of the day, the God only becomes an invisible manipulator of our world. The truth is so upset. The God created destinies for us, but at the same time she also created her own destiny. That is being a manipulator. I wonder if she was satisfied with this role or not.

That may be true -for You.

Now to switch to modern crazy -

Nationalsm, civilization & coltural confluct, mirror the interiority, as when things, including people look in the mirror and the simulated image’s left hand appears to the right.

Nanely, the short gutted simulation of the East versus the decline of the west means something.

It means merely an apostle histerical effort to short cut thousands of years of Eurocentrism into a whisper of a Zen metaphorw, that needs to be leaened, unfolding like the petals of lotus silently floating under a azure canopy.

That kind of learning is not more or less difficult, and later much later, a missing link can insert into that very deep void.

The void connects particles with dreams, and structurally, a complete chaos can successfully merge rather than compete with the other.

In fact simulation has come about fursy by resemblance a post cognitive hypothatical effirr, followed by the consequences, necessary to denote and restructure meaning, so as to make sense of it all.

Beyond words and THE Word , civilization may contend eventually in expressions of alluding to the most complex and illusive possibility, a metaphor so abridged that will make any idea of nationals a futile and outdated word.

I suddenly think of a quote I found on the internet some days ago, “If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.”

See how the manipulations work [-o<

I think the quote is fitting, but who manipulates who? If God, the it is forgievable, but man must either be held responsible, or be unforgiving toward the Creator… Not that communication be stopped between them, for they have gone on , since ‘Creation’.