religion esentuals

The Holy Spirit will heal the soul into something simular of that of the innocents and purity of a new soul. Yet, as we travel down old thought patterens, we bring up feelings that errase the residual effect of the Holy Spirit. Thus we need to pray about what to change, and meditate in the bible.

A girl I herd of had been raped. Through prayer, she was able to change these memories so that the peace of God filled these memories. Thus giving her back control over the section of the brain that stores all sexual memories. The same memories that would be triggered every time she had a sexual impulse.

If you pray every day,… and invoke the name of CHrist, you’ll see a change. Pray for your enemies,… and you may start praying your enemies die. But if you do this religiously,… you’ll see the effect of God working out your prayer.

Jesus was God. And the Holy Spirit is the biggest thing Jesus brought to religion. Every word that Jesus spoke is truth. We don’t need to second guess Jesus. We just need to figure out what he ment. That is why the perfection of God allowed Jesus to speak in metephore that broke through time and language barriers.

To be a confirmed Christian is to trust God and believe in him. Do you love and respect God? If you do, the devil can not own you,… just distract you.

God has already won. The devil is just waiting to find out. Psychics can not read God,… and just being able to read the future means you could change it. Yet since you can not read God psychicaly. The devil is brainwashed through limiting his focus.

That’s right, He’s already won you atheists. He cures raped girls, through prayer. And he can kill enemies, like “Pop! You’re dead!”, with his noodly appendages!

I’m with ya brother.

OK, so you pray religiously that your enemies die. And if your enemies also pray religiously to God and invoke religiously Jesus name, that their enemies also die, which side is God going to listen?

The need to belittle those against your own cause, doesn’t actually justify your own cause.

I offer you the chalange of proof. Till you have taken some form of this chalange,… you have no real opinion.

For thirty days envoke the name of God in prayer, and even pray for your enemies to die. You’ll find that God will evolve your prayer to not be so spiteful and more toward helping.

I think that any living being can heal itself, and God is not the cause of that healing. It has to do with natural inner systems.

are you sugesting that people who go to church share in mass halucinations?

No, not quite. Especially when you take into consideration calousness and indiffereance that happens when you are the subject of abuse. People redirrect feelings into anger. They don’t want to feel hurt, so they only focus on the anger,… and then all of the situations that might bring up sympathy are also redirrected toward calousness.

As an athiest, you might sugest that feeling sympathy was the brainwashing,… and the calousness is who we really are.

At least your not perpetuating the scape goat that, “Christians are holding unbelievers back from having a normal and happy life.”

Phil, I think my question is legitimate. If God is omnipotent, it is a mistake to urge God to adopt to our decisions, or assume taht God gives no thought to the outcome of our struggles, or that God is ignorant of our needs or incapable of giving reward to the right side. Do we want to change God’s mind? Your sig states: By Jesus’ name, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In times of war, both sides may be praying to their God or gods, but in the end, everything is God’s will. Praying is not telling God: we want this, we want that, this is what is best for me God; but, only according to Thy will, God.

The problem is called preconceptions. These preconceptions limit you from hearing God. They go head long into their own rants and raves, and try to find scriptures to back their beliefs, but actual cause and effect is different then the side effects we see as cause and effect. So people may be just looking in the wrong area.

Now if you look at my post on deamonology,… you’ll find that deamons may want to manipulate people who think they are praying to God. In fact as fallen angels, they have godly powers. Yet they are no God. They can not create, only pervery what God has created. And Confirmid Christians cannot be owned by satan,… just distracted. God’s will in these end times is on a level that won’t be confused with satans agenda. God rely’s on cause and effects that Satan knowns nothing about. In this, the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit is the biggest thing I can say to use to protect yourself.

What can anyone say against Christianity’s beliefs???

I dunno about against, but as for:
“Please remember that your entire belief system is imperfect and in need of upgrade.”

it can be illegal to spank your children. Thus is so, as to the name of progress.

Progress against christianity.
Yet the reason for the rule is because they see themselves in the alcaholics who beat their children. They don’t have seperation of thought, and generalize it all together. Thus when I have reason to show the child the associetion of pain to the fruits of the wrong they have done,… well I’m just ignorant. And those children who ignore time outs and walk over parents…

I don’t believe in spirits and I don’t even believe in souls.

I was going to say that you didn’t really propose anything in your post. But actually you did propose a number of things specific to Christianity. The problem is that it is so founded on specific Christian doctrine that many of the individuals on this site can’t have that much input on it. Perhaps if you proposed even the idea that there is a holy spirit, more people would have other responses other than attacking you for posting something so basic and straight forward “Christian”.

To make a post and say “God heals the sick” etc. is known and agreed by believing Christians and doesn’t give much food for thought for people that are stuggling to believe in the very concept of God.

i like the way I post.

I think the use of the Holy Spirit is evidence of God.

So how do you feel about summary execution for misbehaving children?
And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death.

And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death.[/i]

Gotta love that Old Testament discipline. No walking over parents there…

Aye…there’s the rub. How do we do that? Religion is such a blurry business these days. There’s that vast grey area between what the Bible actually says and what is interpreted…seems we’re not to take at face value much of what’s written down anymore. I wonder that the perfection of God with his infinite wisdom and power couldn’t have made things absolutely clear with no room for ambiguity. We’re there’s discrepancy a few words scribbled in the sky would clarify things… “Yes, I DID mean dont mix wool and linen!”

Christianity is based on Christ. Thats why they hand out new testiment bibles to new believers.

You see,… Jesus was the only person in the bible that was God. So he spoke in metephores to brake through language bounderies.

Hey Phil, maybe you should pray to your god for a smarter brain… one that can spell correctly. In the meantime, can you prove your belief is the correct one? If so, what is your proof?

Also… I have a few quick comments about some foolish things you’ve said lately…

What, YHWH doesn’t count?

What? I’ve never seen a New Testament bible… I’ve seen bibles with the Old and New Testaments… but a New Testament only?

There are three things I’d like to cover here…
First, your declaration of vanity indicates that you are acting alone in your posting efforts, yet you imply that you “use” the “Holy Spirit” in your efforts… Can you explain this contradiction?
Second, if you’re “using” the “Holy Spirit” when you post, and it’s supposed to be perfect, then how come you many so many spelling and grammar errors?
Third, please explain how the “use” of the “Holy Spirit” proves the existence of your god.

It’s bullshit; and if you want proof, I and many others can provide it.

Talking about foolish, I could dismantle every assertion you made here but I’ll let the poster you responded to have first shot.

Careful there… I’m only playing with words at this point. That’s not a threat, it’s just an explanation as to why you’re only reading what you see as “mere assertions”. Of course, this thread is fiddle-sticks compared to this one. If you want to get into a discussion with me, please make your case at that playing field; after reading all that is there.