Religion (as mass control of faith is called) is nothing more than the emergence of the human desire to understand and explain the environment around it. Without vessels or means to do this, the powerful decided what was truth for the truth seekers. People look to the wise and knowledgable for answers, these people dont always have to be so. These people could simply be the feared. Physical might at one point decided who was in control. The people that produced our belief systems, produced some of the worst atrocities known to man. They spread the good word at the end of the sword.
Humanity needs an excuse, a reason to justify its existence. With no one else to talk to, this justification became higher beings, for we see ourselves as higherbeings because we have proven to be the only self promoting species on earth. We have been created, because we have created everything that allows us to survive. Without “creation” humanity would have failed. We are weak without tools. Our ability to create came with the emergence of our intellect. Therefore something “intelligent” must have created us. This was our solution pre science. Only now have we developed the means to discover the secrets of our environment, and in doing so, we are realizing that we need to acctually respect our existence, respect the quest for truth, and not let it be tainted with tyranny. Follow a universal understanding, rather than seperate into waring theologies.
Religion is nothing more that a social system of moral values and laws which adhere to these values. It is a primitive social “glue” which we needed to keep civilizations together and focused. Now it only gives neighbors more reason to kill eachother and tell eachother what to do. We seem to only make large advancements with our species when religious systems have not been in ultimate control. That is, a subservient religion. Eastern thought, focuses on wisdom more than a diety which is a lot more productive than western religion. Western religion creates a stagnant society bent on control which minimizes advancement. In this age, this greatly cripples us. China will prove the superiority of eastern thought soon enough. As we fight over religous dogmas, they are building a technological empire. They have no religion holding them back past communism…
Science follows a universal understanding called the scientific method. It is the guidline for producing truth the best way we can. And anyone claiming that they are producing scientific results follows the scientific method. So that results are respected and trusted. Overall, there isnt a “universal understanding” however. It was more a wish, than a reality. Im envisioning a humanity focused on itself, rather than religious factions and countries. A universal respect for our existence and life. Not discounting our intelligence for a lesser understanding. Actually trying to understand, before believing we understand. We are at the point where we need to respect eachother, rather than give eachother more reasons to fire missles. This isnt war with swords anymore… We are all of the same species…we should act like it.
using “holy books” written by god (they all are didn’t you know )
you can justify any behaviour you wish to.
might I suggest a study of sam harris? (and purchase his book if you can- the end of faith.) Much of what you are saying are sentiments echoed by him.
yes which worked well for smaller societies but as societies grow such fundamentalist thinking becomes more and more dangerous.
of course this isn’t to say that secularist/atheist fundamentalism is any better, certainly stalin and hitler performed many atrocities under the banner of atheistic communism and secularism.
The scientific method is one thing but human psychology is another.
If you think for one moment that humanity focused on itself without knowing what it wants is going to lead to world peace because of some scientific method, I believe you are in for some rude awakenings.
No no no…I was using it as a example of what a universal understanding is. Or what I envision it to be. Im not saying the scientific method is going to save the world. Im saying we need to focus our chaotic blur of reality and try to clarify it as a species, because otherwise we are at the threshold of destruction.
If we cannot focus on the chaotic blur within ourselves, how is the world supposed to do it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not minimizing your concern since I believe as do you, that we are entering critical times where our technology is far surpassing our human appreciation of it. I am suggesting though that something is necessary beyond wishful thinking, speeches, warm fuzzy thoughts, and faith in secular ethics.
This is a very deep and relevant question. If we are to survive as a species, a minority will have to come to grips with our psychological bondage the understanding of which I believe to be beyond the scientific method.
because it is beyond scientific method does not mean we have to instantly flip a switch in our minds to shut out all logic and reason. I believe that there is still some logic and reason to our spirituality, and claiming that the bible is inspired word of god is an unreasonable position that leads to pedantic dogma, and stunts true spiritual growth. Of course this is not limited to the bible or christianity.
Naturally not. Even Jesus said so in Matthew 10: 16
Acquiring a human perspective doesn’t make you ignorant. To the contrary it allows you to avoid ignorance by including perspective and giving scope to your reasoning.
The way in which this “word” of God or “vibration” exists within sacred text like the Bible is another topic but it can be easily misunderstood and abused. Even the disciples were finally opened up to the deeper meanings as shown in the following passage. Do you really think these various experts raking in the dough have had their minds opened?