Religion is evil

Religion contains people.

People are evil.

Therefore religion is evil.

While at first glance this may seem like an ignorant argument, the fact is its true. Religion is evil because people are evil.

Think of all of the horrible wars and famine stricken countries that are around. If there were perhaps no more religion, there would be no more evil, because evil is a religious word, and apart from religion everything is just is. Seriously you have to be completely oblivious to your surroundings not to see this fact.

Since God is the ultimate big whig in religion (whichever god it may be) that essential makes God evil.

But as we all know God is just a figment of societies imagination. Hence we are back to people being evil.

That’s perhaps the most fallacious argument I’ve ever heard. Yes, Religion contains people, but just because people are evil that doesn’t make religion evil. If certain religions were evil than it could affect some to be evil.

God is a figment of society’s imagination? You have an argument to back this up?

Do you ever read about religions and philosophy and the like or do you just post whatever comes to mind?

Yes, please read my post of Why relgion was created, and all will be revealed.

Posting threads about religion being evil is evil.

People are evil.

The one posting the threads is a person.

Therefore the threads are evil.

I sure wish all these evil people would quit wasting our time with this drivel. :sunglasses:

Yeah… I picture dark gothics who just had a bad day at school with the authorities and decided to go take it out on a religious forum, but then again I could be wrong.

Humans can consider themselves to be evil, and can consider their works to be evil, yes. But it’s still just their own feeling about instance/situation.

Eliza? Is that you?

Your second premise is specious, because it depends on us agreeing, for no good reason, that people are ‘evil’
The problem is that ‘evil’ is purely relative to perspective. That all people are ‘evil’ in your perspective does not make it objectively true in any form.

Religion is evil because it says that people are evil. You are evil because you say that people are evil.

People are evil because they are consumbed by religion, which is evil.

So, people are evil because religion is evil, which is evil because people are evil?

Finally someone who can comprehend.

Yes, I learned from those that say the bible is the word of god because the bible says so, which must be true because it is the word of god.
Pretty much the same argument. Shame that it is patently absurd.

Shades of Laurel and Hardy Batman! Who’s on first? LMAFAOAROFL!

So, people are contained by something that they themselves create?

A starving person is still starving, whether they’re a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Jedi, an agnostic, an atheist…

Yea, Prod Mind is using grammar school thinking here. People are inherently selfish and lazy, nearly all so called Evil that is done can be traced back to one of these traits and this has nothing to do with Religion.

Is murder a purely religious act?


Did you really fall for Jon Lennon’s LSD induced BS lyrics?

If there were no religion people would invent something else to replace it with and the outcome would have the same affect. If we were all blue and lived In the same houses and had the same wealth, cars, beliefs and jobs people would still divide up into groups where one thinks them selves better then another, it would be the East side against the West or something like that.

This thread is funny. You guys are cute.

If “God” exists in the sense that you all seem to believe he does, then he is neither “evil” or “good,” but contradictive.

The contradictions can be found in an examination of one’s personal relationship and struggle with “God.” I cannot speak for you, but my involvement with “God” is experimental…I neither fear him or adore him. I spend my days contradicting him through the use of people.

Let me give you a popular example. Let’s say I go out tonight and kill a capitalist. God might expect me to think that this is “wrong,” yet I would expect God to think it was right. Here, God is at a paradox…this is his problem…not mine. For if he cannot convince me that the deed was wrong, then my thinking must rely on faith. Not faith in anything rational, but in the absurd…the very fact that I am suffering at the hands of a capitalist, who, according to God, is a “test” for me. Now, I ask, who is the test for the capitalist? If I do not do the deed, then I will suffer, and could only hope for a reward given to me by God for enduring such. But at the same time, God has to know that I know that I cannot know that I will be rewarded…another paradox. The suffering is real, the faith is an excuse not to resist. I would choose to do the deed and wager on suffering in hell for eternity. But I would rather suffer for eternity than spend a life suffering with only faith to get me through. This is God’s problem…not mine.

Now, God has his hands full. He has created a monster, a monster who is not affraid to be punished by his creator. A monster who uses his creations, other men, as an example of his mistake.

My battle is not with men, but with God through other men. I am better than God because the ideal I wager against the suffering I would endure in hell is for the comfort of other men. When I kill the capitalist…that is one less monster that exists to exploit and hurt other men, and I am prepared to go to hell for that. Is this, then, not the greatest sacrifice to men? Indeed it is…and God has contradicted himself yet again.

The other day I was arguing with a friend who told me that a recent incident, a dent which was put in my truck, was “karmic punishment” for something I did.

Now watch this.

The person I did “wrong” to to deserve that karmic punishment must have also done something wrong which deserved the deed I did to him, so on and so forth. For if a bad deed done to me is compensation for a deed I did to someone else, then they too must have deserved the deed I did to them, etc., etc.

God is contradicted again.

There are several other ways to find these little gems in the relationship to God. The conclusion is this: I do not bother with God or Devils…but fight against them both, not because they are “evil,” but because they are silly, absurd, contradictive, stupid, ridiculous, etc.

For this I will need a subject…a target. A type of man to use in this battle. The man I choose to use as an example is the capitalist. He dies, and I shove his spirit up God’s ass.

On the other hand, this is what the devil wants…so, I deal with him as well. I find his followers and do them too.

What God and the devil is not prepared for is the fact that I fear neither of them…and that I truely believe my deeds to be good for mankind.

The final problem is here. IF, and I stress that if, God actually does exist, and the people I kill are “good,” then they should be fine after they die…and will go to heaven. So essentially, I am not “hurting” a person who will go to heaven if they are truely good. I am, ironically, doing them a favor by ending their lives sooner. If God does not exists…then the deed doesn’t matter anyway.

It is extremely easy to put God and the Devil into checkmate.

The contradiction is within your self as you don’t know God and completely misrepresent him in your examples.

The idea is that you are not qualified to judge anyone and therefore have no right to take life that isn’t directly threading your life, which is a purposeful exception the same as divorce is. Notice that the laws we set down in all society operate the same way, we know were are fallible, so there are exceptions in our laws. Murder is about a selfish desire that is put before someone else’s life and self-defense should not have to be explained, it is instinct, not choice.

God does not contradict himself; you do, and therefore perceive it as Gods contradiction based on your flawed belief of what Gods personality is.

False. The contradiction is within God for creating me without the ability to find proof of God’s existence.

I did not ask to be born. There was no contract involved. I owe God nothing.

Define “directly.”

Wheredja go, King Daddy?

You were just here, I saw you. Change your mind did you?