Religious Folks vs. Atheists: Who is more humble?

There is no doubt that having a Supreme Being on your side is going to boost your confidence at least a little. At the same time, though, knowing that you are an individual that answers only to your own Will is empowering as well.

Then again, it also humbling to know that a Supreme Being is watching over you. But it could also be humbling to know that we are alone in the universe and everyone is equally unimportant.

My conclusion: Religious Folks and Atheists can be equally arrogant or humble depending on the person.

I am firmly opposed to the “Atheists caused this much suffering” vs. “Religion caused this much suffering” argument. I think that it really comes down to the person. It’s kind of like saying “Life sucks” when life isn’t really the problem. It’s just the bastards that you have to deal with during it that suck.

I am, without a doubt, the most humble.

Ucci, you are totally wrong.

I am so much more humble than you are.


Hell no. I won the 1994 Aroostook County Humble Pie Eating Contest. That was back in the old days, when every slice came with a side of crow.

I humbly cede the argument.

Whose more humble now, bitch?

The extent of my religiosity is the feelings I get in profound moments of, oh, what could I call it. Something Kierkegaardian. Um, despairing in ecstasy. The feeling is so intense it can only be escaped by irony, and in thinking ironically I am not only temporarily, at least, believing in God with some unexplainanble intuition, beyond possibility of determing whether or not “I want to think this” or “I want to think I think this,” sparing myself of this game, but I am also at a passionate battle of wits with God. I see at once and without further detail, how it would have to be IF God existed.

Before I get further, it slips from my “analytical grasp,” and what is left is my failure to explain this intuition scientifically. In this intense “existential” despair, somewhere between a deep philosophical feeling of deperate meaningless and a failure to justify anything at all scientifically, had I the ability, (I have literally cried within seconds of a mere “thought.” Seriously, no shit.), I “feel” some kind of joke, with good intentions, is being played on me and as a result I become somewhat self-fanatical, I guess, when contemplating the issue of “God”. (And by the way, I am defing God, more or less, as the Cartesian Transcendent God.) It is in this inside ironic joke that I see clearly what the personal relationship to a God would entail and through that I understand, bit by bit, how God works. Again; if he existed as I suppose in my premise.

What I call the “profound moment” is that spontaneous epiphany of sorts, when in a brief second you, as I think Pascal (not sure, though) put it, are closer to God as an atheist. But in a glimpse that moment is over and you are back to your inevitable nihilism, your philosophy, your failure to interpret God through the detailed secrets of your suffering; without the public opinions, without any brotherhood, or church, or doctrine (“the idea of God incarnated as a man is preposterous” -Kierkegaard), etc., anything you would use to get to God analytically, proofs, logic, verification, experimentalism, are little morsels of “God’s sense of Humor” (I capitalise Humor because it is of the highest orders or Hemetic Intertrajectorical Trialectics…this is no reference to Christian trinities, though).

But wait, I haven’t explained myself clearly.


All I can say is that the only way I would ever try to state or prove or show, better yet, a God’s existence would be in something unreachable by us both. If it did happen, it would be in a wink, a brief pause before doing something somewhere (the little existential despairances are “at any corner”- Camus, and suddenly you are crying, but “after long deliberation”- Kierkegaard), a look at the Other…then…

…its gone.

I have found a way to resolve the conflict between the Mad Jew and Frenchy. Actually Spinoza was a dualist too, but that’s other news.

I can’t say or explain how to do it. I only know that it is a symptom of the grandiose feeling I get in these “profound, terrible ecstatic moments,” when you just want to cry because it feels so good. I can’t explain, but I do know that if this God exists, the most direct route to the intuition and feeling that “it” exists is through the “intimate personal suffering” with a touch of humor and irony.

That is all.

Good day.


That was a nice post. I identify with a lot of it. To provide everyone else with a convenient label, I call myself agnostic. To declare God is, for me is a little too much, but there are those overwhelming moments, little flashes, where we are in awe and reverence. In reverence of what? I have no adequate answer. It wasn’t as if I was looking for those moments. They just happen. In meditation I am aware of a presence that I sense but cannot explain. Is it the presence of God? Since I have no rational explanation, I accept it as it is. That whatever it is inspires awe and reverence is enough for me. I refuse to be so arrogant as to attempt to name. find attributes, or in any way suggest I know what these moments are, why they are, or what the sense of presence might be. But I do know that they are there -for me.

I feel the same way. I have days where I have hot flashes for god, and days where I wonder how I can dupe myself to believe in such a thing.

Lately I’ve had fewer hot flashes for god, because I’ve been trying to figure out what they mean…

As my wife just said, I’ve got a “fervor” for it. I don’t jump up and down to constantly test gravity, but I do constantly question the existence or non-existence of god… Why?

I’ve read books that have provided answers, and they are good answers, but my mind rejects them as well. Is that the cause of skepticism, being unable to accept any answer, no matter what?

When I push on the handlebar of my motorcycle, I trust gyroscopic precession to keep my upright around the corner… When I push on God, I expect him to respond and he doesn’t. When I don’t push on God, I do get a response.

It just doesn’t make any sense.


YES!!! I am the humble KING! You chumps are NOTHING! Go, ME!!! Did you see that other guy? He was all like “I humbly crap my pants cause you’re so much humbler than me, boo-hoo!” and I was all like “You’re damn right, get outta my face!”

Hello? ME!

Xunzian = Confucian
Uccisore = Christian

As a heathen, I was going to point out that I’m far more humble than either of you. I was, but my humility wouldn’t let me.

I ate 57 Humble_Berry_Pies and I’m God’s Messiah!
I’ll wash your feet for $3.


Theists and atheists can be humble. No problem there. I think that when you accknowledge higher life you automatically become more humble and open-minded. Pantheism.

But, monotheism isn’t all that mind-opening if they just think that there is one perfect Jew who gets to tell you how to cut your cock.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’m the Chinese Jesus. I died on the tao, and then it spun around, it was like The Wheel Of Fortune. We got to see who the savior would be in 1983.

I’m so humble I won’t even post on this thread.


Humility is a religious concept that robs us of our aggressive nature.
Atheists should not be humble.
Humility is assimilation, humility is god worship.


You’re right, thirst. I tried, and look where it got me.

Humility can be a useful ruse, however.

If I may say so.

If no one minds, that is.

If I am worthy.

Bow and beg for mercy or I will cast your disobediant ass into hell for all eternity and little red basterds will stick lots of bad shit into your immortal, ever painful, ever expanding ass.

Are there twinkies in Hell?

Humility would have a lion eat last… while the lionesses have their fill.
Why do lions eat first? Ultimately, because of aggression (pride).


God, Detrop… that was perfection. :smiley:

Of course, as long as the lionesses don’t starve, we could call this “enlightened self-interest”.