Religious Folks vs. Atheists: Who is more humble?

Yes, evil Satanic super sweet twinkies.
In hell you have moral anarchy.
Pleanty of madness.


But there are so many different kinds of pride.
People can be proud of what is good, or proud of what is harmful.
Pride is a two-edged sword, but I think you were bringing out its usefulness here.

You mean arrogance isn’t radically and immutably tied to atheism or theism??? :astonished: :astonished:

the atheist in me agrees. The agnostic screams stop being so agreeable.


A big bold statement. I’ll assume that you can prove that humility is never present outside of religious conviction? You can prove that in all instances, our nature is one of uni-dimensional aggression?

Some might say that genuine humility has nothing to do with any concept of god or godliness, but is uniquely a human capacity of empathy and knowing ones’s own shortcomings and vulnerabilities.

empathy is important. But we need dicks in the world to protect us from the assholes.

On an individual level neither is likely to be any more humble than another. Some say atheists aren’t humble because by denying God we don’t have to obey a master. But I think that’s backwards; it’s the height of hubris to think God made this Universe just for us & put us in charge of it. :astonished:

SHH!! someone might be reading.

Anyone who is humble and aware of it; lacks all sense of humility.

I wouldn’t exactly say so much that satori… I mean we’re aware of good deeds, when we do them and don’t tell anyone, it’s still a good justified deed, given whatever regular moral law I’m going off of here.

So if someone is truly humble, they can know they are somewhat humble, but the minute they think there so humble and telling people they are humble, they lose all humility. Just like in fasting, you aren’t supposed to tell anyone your fasting if its a true fast, otherwise you’re doing it for self exaltation, and then your not truly fasting. I believe it works the same way with humility, to admit to others you are humble, only shows the opposite.

I do think this was what you were trying to hit on though satori, so points go to you. However, I think almost everyone is aware of this concept… but maybe I’m wrong.

When one is good every deed is good; all this should be done without knowledge as it permeates the being. Then all actions lose the definition of being good but rather just allow them to be. Such is the way I feel about humility.

No, i’m sorry you are wrong. Nobody is fully good, so not every deed can be good, they may be a high percentage of good, but they will do bad things, even those good things maybe be bad if you don’t have some goal or purpose to them.

Done without knowledge? You’re not saying someone can just be humble without knowing it in the back of their mind, everyone is somewhat humble, but you should never feel you are humble enough, I think I’ve went over this already.

Do you know everyone? Do you know of their actions? I do not wish to argue psychology with you as I believe it would be trivial. But, by professing that I am wrong about “everyone” you my good friend are certainly lacking in humility.

Yes you did go over it and frankly I was not placing it upon your place of analysis I simply was stating it. If you have problems with these ideals that I have laid forth may I recommend reading more Eastern religious/philosophical texts.

I’m not sure how this is lacking humility… I’ve never claimed to have great humility, but I believe we all have somewhat humility somewhere at sometime.

Are you suggestioning someone besides Christ has been fully Good? I think mother Teresa got pretty close but she still sinned. I use sin here because this is the only objective good and evil we can discuss, without discussing it you’re just suggesting relative goods and evils, and then we must ask what you’re trying to say?

What are you discussing? Why do I need to read about Eastern Religious text? What will this do? I’m discussing that anyone who is more humble than the majority recognizes this, if they have any idea that someone is less humble then them than they can consider themselves a humble person, even though they are not humble enough, they are somewhat humble while still realizing it. I’m implying that they can recognize this, without claiming it they can recognize, this doesn’t make them lose their humility.


This lacks humility in that you said “No, I’m sorry you are wrong.” When you cannot prove I am wrong you lack the humility to accept the possibilities and make the logical conclusion w/o validity.

There is ALOT more out there than just Christ in regards to sage-like behavior. And sinning itself is not an objective notion if you do not follow the Western texts. It becomes a subjective once you reach outside the world of Judeo-Christian texts. Open your mind; you are limiting yourself to less than 1/4 of the earth in regards of your studies. Far more is out there than just Christianity’s ideals.

You do not “need” to read anything you don’t with to. I am simply pointing out that in order to understand this mentality which I carry; and perhaps to broaden your mind to the greats of other cultures it would be a positive influence if you read outside that of the West.

They will not be the epitome of humbleness if they buy into others words. It is just that simple.

No! I do not claim to be humble, especially towards you! You can’t be fully humble in an extreme sense, it does not work that way philosophically. I’m not saying i’m acting humble am I??? Can you read?

How bout you read what I’m saying and open your mind to listen and discuss with logical defenses like I’m giving you, i’m tired of wasting my time here.

Nobody can be the epitome of humbleness except for Christ. To be fully humble in an extreme sense is impossible to declare, it’s an impossible way to live. Thus, a person can be somewhat humble, still recognize what they are humble toward without losing their humility. Now if someone proclaims to be humble when doing an act, they are not humble towards that act anymore. Just like fasting as I keep repeating myself. It’s not a true fast if you tell people you are fasting, to brag for yourself.

By saying anyone who recognizes themselves to be humble loses humility is ignorant. We all know good and well nobody can be even greatly humble without at least trying to be humble or having some reason to be humble. Mother Teresa had a reason to be humble, she recognized this, she was humble. An act is truly a good act when done for a good reason, when done for yourself it loses that quality of good.

Please read what I’ve wrote here and then discuss it, do not repeat yourself again, I repeat.

:-& :confused:

Why don’t we start with you showing me an example of humility outside religion. I can’t think of any.

Your very existence is an act of aggression and suicide is an act of vengeance on a cruel world (one last act of aggression).

What greater way to measure one’s own shortcomings and vulnerabilities than before god? Knowing one’s own shortcomings and vulnerabilities can lead to plenty of aggression.


I can’t think of any more pathetic act of vengeance against the world than suicide! Talk about vanity! Do you suppose the World will even notice, much less care?

True vengeance can only be obtained by living as long as you can so as to annoy the maximum amount of assholes. :sunglasses:

I agry that it isn’t an act of vengeance that will impress most people… but the fact remains that it is an act of aggression.
