The biggest problem I found in religion was how it hindered my life. This may not apply to everyone who is religious. But in my case I believed in God strongly.
Even though I believed in God, I really never cared to take certain things seriously, because look how many people dont!
I ate whatever I wanted, pizza, mcdonalds, cokes and cokes; I drank coke like water. Sure the body is the temple of God but who really takes that seriously? I knew I was in God’s hands, even if I did die, which would be later most likely with a heart attack, I’m going to heaven!
Physical Fitness? Who needs that? I was going to get a new body in heaven, and the opposite sex? Well, God would provide me with someone if I prayed enough who would look good, be a virgin, who didn’t drink or party, and who had a great personality, but also wasn’t a prude (Good luck with that!) People used to tell me, even christians that this would be hard to find, but I trusted God.
Talents? Jobs? Doing my best which requires alot of attention? Ah that’s a sin, God comes first and money shouldn’t be an object.
In fact these are just three examples, but once I stopped believing in God, I actually eat correctly, care more about my body, workout lifting and running almost everyday, and pursue my goals with more effort. I’m not saying this is a problem with every religious person… but if God doesn’t exist, what have they done to themselves?
Of course you can say, ahh don’t take it so seriously, well my religion taught me that’s what it was all about, however who really took it seriously? Maybe a small few, I would think if God existed and it was so important Christians would be studying ways to defend their faith instead of skimming through Lee Strobel books and giving blind faith answers, such as well I don’t know but I’m sure somehow I’m right because I believe in God.
What do you guys think, do you suppose we will eventually get to a time where religions have died out? Or will they keep ignoring and calling knowledge, philosophy, and science the devil? It’s funny I have a friend who is now religious again after all the time I spent trying to get him away from drinking, smoking weed, and ruining his life. He calls me everyday about some new verse, hardly understands what he’s talking about and I just have to lie to him and say, yeah it’ll be cool when God comes back, yeah… I guess weed is a spiritual plant that God meant for us to use, yada yada, because I’d rather him be religious and have a hold on his life than not be and go down the drain which is the other extreme people try to take with religions.
Does anyone see any connections with this? Discuss