What I’m wondering, though, is if the interpretation isn’t part of the experience in cases like this?
I believe that the “interpretation†of Freewill certainly has conditioned the bodily experience it may once fundamentally have arisen to explain, so that now we “act as if we are Free†with the conception of our freedom in mind, and experience the confirmation of a pre-interpreted bodily experience, but this not does not mean that we are free. In fact contrarily, is suggests that even in our sense of “freedom†we are conditioned.
You seem to prove me right with every word. What I say sounds bad, it’s unbecoming of a philosopher, and it’s just not the way things ought to be done. I’m far more concerned with being correct or incorrect.
You apparently missed the point about a Cardinal of the Church, and the veiled reference to Galileo. The Church was correct, if you keep asking these kind of questions, all kinds of things break out, the Reformation, atheism, the Simpsons. But of course, the Church was not “correct†in its debate over Galileo in the sense that its version of reality was not to be supported by history, that after hundreds of years of Inquisitions and the banning of books, you cannot stop questions, you can only answer them. Your position is unphilosophical. It is dogmatic. Only dogma resists questions.
The neutrality of skepticism… these experiences are the best evidences for these things that we will ever have
You imagine that “these experiences†are neutral? And by what reasoning do you foreclose the understanding of experiences in the future. Experiences are ever coming under re-description based on what is “discoveredâ€. You are simply placing one’s head in the sand it seems.
they aren’t operating against their constitutions, they are just suffering from a few severe inconsistancies in their beliefs.
One may operate “as if†free, but only in understanding that which you are not free from are you able to effect that determination, and be relatively more free, moving from a passive to an active agent. If they continue for instance to buy the cereal they saw on T.V. without reflection or understanding, floating in the “I am free in everything I decide†self-deception, they will remain passive agents to forces in history they may otherwise object to. By realizing that one is not free, one gains a bit of freedom. Your solution is to float mindlessly on the sea like a cork whistling “I am the master of my domainâ€.